
Internal Grants

Internal Grants

Each year, the university, as part of its support for research, awards thousands of dollars to faculty, whose research grant proposals are recommended by the Faculty Peer Review Committee. View information on applying for Faculty Research Grants.


View 2018-2019 Grants

Jay Johnson (Engineering), Neural Basis for Auditory Scene Analysis. Abstract

Hyun Kwon (Engineering), Affordable Detection of Cancer Biomarkers Using the ECL Sensor. Abstract

Boon-Chai Ng (Engineering), Exploration of the Use of DEAP as a Large Strain Gage. Abstract


View 2017-2018 Grants

Jay Johnson (Engineering & Computer Science). Neural Basis for Auditory Scene Analysis. Abstract

Gunnar Lovhoiden (Engineering & Computer Science). Near Infrared Imaging Lab. Abstract

Boon-Chai Ng (Engineering and Computer Science), Exploration of the use of Di-Electro-Active Polymer (DEAP) as a large strain gage. Abstract

Hyun Kwon (Engineering & Computer Science). Paper Biosensors and Mobile Apps for Affordable Detection of Cancer Biomarkers. Abstract


View 2016-2017 Grants

Boon-Chai Ng (Engineering and Computer Science), Creating and Testing Anodized Aluminum for Potential Application as an Interposer in the Test Socket Industry. Abstract

Hyun Kwon (Engineering & Computer Science). Paper Biosensors and Mobile Apps for Affordable Detection of Cancer Biomarkers. Abstract


View 2015-2016 Grants

Boon-Chai Ng (Engineering and Computer Science), Creating and Testing Anodized Aluminum for Potential Application as an Interposer in the Test Socket Industry, Abstract

Hyun Kwon and Rodney Summerscales (Engineering and Computer Science), Paper Biosensors and Mobile Apps for Affordable Detection of Cancer Biomarkers, Abstract


View 2014-2015 Grants

Hyun Kwon (Engineering), Optical Trapping of Biological Particles, Abstract


View 2013-2014 Grants

Boon-Chai Ng (Engineering & Computer Science), Evaluation of the Electrical Resistance and Capacitance of a Di-electric Electro-active Polymer, Abstract

Hyun Kwon (Engineering), Study of Conformational and Electric Charge Change of Protein Binding Using the QCM-D and EGFET System, Abstract


View 2012-2013 Grants

Boon-Chai Ng (Engineering), Evaluating the Mechanical Properties of Dielectric Electro Active Polymer (DEAP), Abstract

Hyun Kwon (Engineering), FET based biosensor for characterization for DNA hybridization, Abstract

View 2011-2012 Grants

Hyun Kwon (Engineering and Computer Science), Fabrication of FET based biosensor for characterization for DNA hybridization, Abstract