
Publications and Presentations


Peer-Reviewed Publications

Jay R. Johnson and Simon Wing. An information-theoretical approach to space weather. Pp. 46-70, in Enrico Camporeale, Simon Wing, and Jay R. Johnson (eds.), Machine Learning Techniques for Space Weather. Elsevier: Cambridge, MA, 2018.

Enrico Camporeale, Simon Wing, Jay R. Johnson, C. M. Jackman, and R. McGranaghan. Space weather in the machine learning era: A multi-disciplinary approach. Space Weather 16(1), 2-4, 2018.

Simon Wing, Jay R. Johnson, Enrico Camporeale, and Geoffrey D. Reeves. Untangling the solar wind drivers of radiation belt: An information theoretical approach. Pp. 150-176, in Enrico Camporeale, Simon Wing, and Jay R. Johnson (eds.), Machine Learning Techniques for Space Weather. Elsevier: Cambridge, MA, 2018.

Simon Wing, Jay R. Johnson, and Marius Echim. Recent advances in the study of upward field-aligned currents generated near the Earth’s magnetopause boundary. Pp. 303-321, in Andreas Keiling, Octav Marghitu and Michael Wheatland (eds.), Electric Currents in Geospace and Beyond. John Wiley & Sons: Hoboken, NJ, 2018.

Simon Wing, Jay R. Johnson, and Angelos Vourlidas. Information theoretic approach to discovering causalities in the solar cycle. The Astrophysical Journal 854(2), 85, 2018.

Simon Wing, Jay R. Johnson, and Angelos Vourlidas. Information theoretic approach to discovering causalities in the solar cycle. Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager Science Nuggets, March 15, 2018, 89.



 Wayne Buckhanan, Anneris Coria-Navia, and Tammy Shilling. "The flipped classroom approach in the higher education classroom." Teaching and Learning Conference. 日韩AV, Berrien Springs, MI. March 29, 2018.

Kimberly S. Pichot, Liz Muhlenbeck, William Wolfer, Jay Brand, and Wayne Buckhanan, "Bringing creativity back into the classroom: Helping students reconnect with their creativity." Teaching and Learning Conference. 日韩AV, Berrien Springs, MI. March 29, 2018.

Samuel Dronen, Daniel Bronakowski, Greg Almeter, and Boon-Chai Ng. “Wrist flexion/extension device.” Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters. Central Michigan University, Mt. Pleasant, MI. March 9, 2018.

Jay R. Johnson, Simon Wing, and Peter Delamere. “Shear flow driven aurora in planetary magnetospheres.” Fundamental Physical Processes in Solar-Terrestrial Research and Their Relevance to Planetary Physics. Kona, Hawaii. January 7-13, 2018.

Eun-Hwa Kim, Jay R. Johnson, and Ernest Valeo. “2D full-wave simulations of EMIC waves in the magnetosphere.” Fundamental Physical Processes in Solar-Terrestrial Research and Their Relevance to Planetary Physics. Kona, Hawaii. January 7-13, 2018.

Yu Lin, Xueyi Wang, Joe Perez, Lei Cheng, Jay R. Johnson, and Simon Wing. “Alfven waves and plasma transport associated with magnetotail fast flows.” Fundamental Physical Processes in Solar-Terrestrial Research and Their Relevance to Planetary Physics. Kona, Hawaii. January 7-13, 2018.

Simon Wing and Jay R. Johnson. “Untangling the drivers of nonlinear systems with information theory.” Fundamental Physical Processes in Solar-Terrestrial Research and Their Relevance to Planetary Physics. Kona, Hawaii. January 7-13, 2018.

Simon Wing and Jay R. Johnson. “Untangling the drivers of nonlinear systems with information theory.” High Altitude Observatory (HAO) Colloquium. Boulder, CO. January 24, 2018.

Simon Wing and Jay R. Johnson. “Untangling the drivers of nonlinear systems with information theory.” Isradynamics 2018: Dynamical Processes in Space Plasmas. Ein Bokek, Israel. April 22-29, 2018.

Simon Wing and Jay R. Johnson. “Untangling the drivers of nonlinear systems with information theory.” NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) HelioAnalytics Seminar. Greenbelt, MD. February 13, 2018.



Peer-Reviewed Publications

 Eun-Hwa Kim, Nicola Bertelli, Jay R. Johnson, Ernest Valeo, and Joel Hosea. 2D full-wave simulations of waves in space and tokamak plasmas. European Physical Journal Web of Conferences 157, 02005, 2017.

Ji Liang, Yu Lin, Jay R. Johnson, Zheng-Xiong Wang, and Xueyi Wang. Ion acceleration and heating by kinetic Alfven waves associated with magnetic reconnection. Physics of Plasmas 24, 102110, 2017.

Yu Lin, Simon Wing, Jay R. Johnson, X. Y. Wang, J. D. Perez, and L. Cheng. Formation and transport of entropy structures in the magnetotail simulated with a 3-D global hybrid code. Geophysical Research Letters 44(12), 5892–5899, 2017.

Peter Porazik and Jay R. Johnson. Conductivity tensor for anisotropic plasma in gyrokinetic theory. Physics of Plasmas 24(5), 052121, 2017.

Simon Wing, Jay R. Johnson, and Enrico Camporeale. Dawn-dusk asymmetries in the auroral particle precipitation and their modulations by substorms. Pp. 255-272, in Stein Haaland, Andrei Runov, and Colin Forsyth (eds.), Dawn-Dusk Asymmetries in Planetary Plasma Environments . John Wiley & Sons: Hoboken, NJ, 2017.

Hyun Kwon. The design focused engineering outreach to a middle school using Arduino Projects. Proceedings of the ASME 2017 International Design Engineering Technical Conference and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference . Volume 8, 2017.


 Wayne Buckhanan. "Beyond fun and gamification: Applying motivational lessons from games." Adventist Online Learning Conference. 日韩AV, Berrien Springs, MI. October 12, 2017.

Hyun Kwon. “A design focused engineering outreach to middle school using Arduino Projects.” ASME 2017 International Design Engineering Technical Conference and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. Cleveland, OH. August 6-9, 2017.

Hyun Kwon and Daniel Marsh. “Signal enhancement of electro-chemi-luminescent sensor with mobile phones.” ASME 2017 International Design Engineering Technical Conference and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. Cleveland, OH. August 6-9, 2017.

Daniel Marsh, Ester Carrasco, Jisu Choi, and Hyun Kwon. “Development and configuration of mobile-phone based ECL biosensor using [Ru(bpy)3]2+ and DBAE.” Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters. Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI. March 10, 2017.

Boon-Chai Ng, Will Allen, and Dominique Tan-Ng. “Evaluation of anodized aluminum for potential use as an interposer for the test socket industry.” Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS) Annual Meeting. San Diego, CA. February 26-March 2, 2017.

Jay R. Johnson. “Entropy and information theory approaches to space plasma complexity I, II.” International School of Space Science: Complexity and Turbulence in Space Plasmas. L’Aquila, Italy. September 18-22, 2017.

Jay R. Johnson. “An information-theory approach to space weather.” Lorentz Center Workshop, Space Weather: A Multidisciplinary Approach. Leiden, The Netherlands. September 25-29, 2017.

Jay R. Johnson. “Space weather.” Andrews Research Conference. 日韩AV, Berrien Springs, MI. May 17-21, 2017.

Jay R. Johnson, Eun-Hwa Kim, and Peter Damiano. “Electron signatures associated with kinetic ballooning instability,” Abstract A17-1051. Joint IAPSO–IAMAS–IAGA Assembly. Cape Town, South Africa. August 26-September 1, 2017.

Jay R. Johnson, Yu Lin, and Simon Wing. “Transport of entropy structures in the magnetotail,” Abstract A24-1172. Joint IAPSO–IAMAS–IAGA Assembly. Cape Town, South Africa. August 26-September 1, 2017.

Jay R. Johnson, Jacob Willard, Peter Porazik, Tasman Powis, Igor Kaganovich, and Ennio Sanchez. “Field line mapping with electron beams,” Abstract A24-1181. Joint IAPSO–IAMAS–IAGA Assembly. Cape Town, South Africa. August 26-September 1, 2017.

Jay R. Johnson and Simon Wing. “Tools for detecting causality in space systems,” Abstract SM14A-01. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. New Orleans, LA. December 11-15, 2017.

Peter A. Damiano, Christopher Carew Chaston, Arthur Jean Hull, and Jay R. Johnson. “Electron dynamics in kinetic scale field line resonances,” Abstract SM43B-2724. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. New Orleans, LA. December 11-15, 2017.

Mark Engebretson, Jennifer Posch, Jay R. Johnson, Jesse Snelling, Eun-Hwa Kim, Sadie Tetrick, Craig Kletzing, Sheng Tian, John R Wygant, Geoffrey D Reeves, and J. F. Fennell. “A parameter study and superposed epoch analysis of the generation of electromagnetic ion cyclotron (EMIC) waves based on Van Allen Probes observations,” Abstract A15-406. Joint IAPSO–IAMAS–IAGA Assembly. Cape Town, South Africa. August 26-September 1, 2017.

Eun-Hwa Kim and Jay R. Johnson. “EMIC wave propagation in the magnetosphere,” Abstract A18-1054. Joint IAPSO–IAMAS–IAGA Assembly. Cape Town, South Africa. August 26-September 1, 2017.

Eun-Hwa Kim, Peter A. Damiano, Jay R. Johnson and Peter Porazik. “Kinetic simulations of electron energization in global scale poloidal Alfven waves,” Abstract SM11D-2332. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. New Orleans, LA. December 11-15, 2017.

Rachel Rice, Katariina Nykyri, Xuanye Ma, Simon Wing, Jay R. Johnson, and Thomas Moore. “Current structures and high frequency waves inside Kelvin-Helmholtz vortices: MMS observations,” Abstract SM11A-2283. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. New Orleans, LA. December 11-15, 2017.

Jesse Michael Snelling, Jay R. Johnson, Mark J. Engebretson, Eun-Hwa Kim, and Sheng Tian. “The role of cold plasma and its composition on the growth of electromagnetic ion cyclotron waves in the inner magnetosphere,” Abstract SM43B-2715. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. New Orleans, LA. December 11-15, 2017.

Nathan Verrill, Darrick Horton, Jay R. Johnson, and Simon Wing. “Examining magnetotail stretching and substorm onsets using GOES satellite data and information theory,” Abstract SM23A-2589. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. New Orleans, LA. December 11-15, 2017.

Jacob Willard, Jay R. Johnson, Ennio R. Sanchez, Igor Kaganovich, Michael Greklek-McKeon, and Tasman Powis. “The effect of tail stretching on the ionospheric accessibility of relativistic electron beam experiments,” Abstract SM23B-2603. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. New Orleans, LA. December 11-15, 2017.

Simon Wing and Jay R. Johnson. “Untangling the drivers of nonlinear systems with information theory.” American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. New Orleans, LA. December 11-15, 2017.

Simon Wing, Jay R. Johnson, and Enrico Camporeale. “Untangling the drivers of nonlinear systems with information theory.” Lorentz Center Workshop, Space Weather: A Multidisciplinary Approach. Leiden, The Netherlands. September 25-29, 2017.

Simon Wing, Jay R. Johnson, Enrico Camporeale, and G. Reeves. “Information theoretical approach to discovering solar wind drivers of the outer radiation belt.” Joint IAPSO–IAMAS–IAGA Assembly. Cape Town, South Africa. August 26-September 1, 2017.

Simon Wing, Jay R. Johnson, and George V. Khazanov. “Sources, properties, and energization of auroral particle precipitation.” American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. New Orleans, LA. December 11-15, 2017.

Simon Wing, Jay R. Johnson and A. Vourlidas. “An information theoretical approach to discovering causality in solar cycle dynamics,” Abstract A30-974. Joint IAPSO–IAMAS–IAGA Assembly. Cape Town, South Africa. August 26-September 1, 2017.


Peer-Reviewed Publications

P. A. Damiano, Jay R. Johnson, and C. C. Chaston. Ion gyroradius effects on particle trapping in kinetic Alfven waves along auroral field lines. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 121(11), 10831-10844, 2016.

Simon Wing, Jay R. Johnson, Enrico Camporeale, and Geoffrey D. Reeves. Information theoretical approach to discovering solar wind drivers of the outer radiation belt. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 121(10), 9378-9399, 2016.


 Ester Carrasco and Hyun Kwon. "ECL biosensor signal detection via mobile phone for minimal instrumentation." Midwest Biomedical Engineering Regional Conference. Champaign, IL. November 4, 2016.

Michael Hess and Hyun Kwon. “Simulation of fluid and structure interaction for design of pressure–progressing spray fitting apparatus.” Michigan Academy of Science, Arts & Letters. Saginaw Valley State University, Saginaw, MI. March 4, 2016.

Jay R. Johnson. “Kinetic Alfven waves in three-dimensional magnetic reconnection (SH21E-2573).” American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. San Francisco, CA. December 12–16, 2016.

Jay R. Johnson. “Observations of EMIC waves over a wide range of magnetic shells by using multi satellite data (SM11B-2147).” American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. San Francisco, CA. December 12–16, 2016.

Jay R. Johnson. “Effects of heavy ions on EMIC wave Propagation (SM11B-2151).” American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. San Francisco, CA. December 12–16, 2016.

Jay R. Johnson. “Information theoretical approach to discovering solar wind drivers of the outer radiation belt (SM11B-2152).” American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. San Francisco, CA. December 12–16, 2016.

Jay R. Johnson. “Dual-spacecraft studies of EMIC wave occurrence using the Van Allen probes (SM13C-06).” American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. San Francisco, CA. December 12–16, 2016.

Jay R. Johnson. “On the magnetospheric heating problem (SM23B-2483).” American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. San Francisco, CA. December 12–16, 2016.

Jay R. Johnson. “Kinetic scale field line resonances: A comparison of kinetic simulations and Van Allen probes observations (SM31A-2445).” American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. San Francisco, CA. December 12–16, 2016.

Jay R. Johnson. “Field-aligned currents in auroral vortices (SM53A-09).” American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. San Francisco, CA. December 12–16, 2016.

Hyun Kwon. “Web publication utilized as a communication tool for first year engineering students.” American Society for Engineering Education. New Orleans, LA. June 26–29, 2016.

Daniel Marsh, Jisu Choi, and Hyun Kwon. “Instrumentation strategy for mobile phone based ECL biosensor.” Midwest Biomedical Engineering Regional Conference. Champaign, IL. November 4, 2016.

Christa Spieth, Will Allen, Dominique Tan-Ng, and Boon-Chai Ng. “Evaluation of anodized aluminum for potential use as an interposer for the test socket industry.” 4 th International Scholars Conferences. Universitas Klabat, Indonesia. October 25–26, 2016.


Peer-Reviewed Publications

H. J. Kwon and B. T. Dodge. QCM-D monitoring of binding-induced conformational change of calmodulin. Biosensor Journal 4, 2, 2015.


Hyun Kwon. “Novel fluid channel design for paper based biosensors.” ASME 2015 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. Houston, TX. November 13-19, 2015.

Hyun Kwon and Robert Polski. “Mathematical models of protein interactions in the QCM-D biosensor for fractal surfaces.” Michigan Academy of Sciences, Arts, and Letters Annual Conference. Berrien Springs, MI. March 13, 2015.

Rufaro Musvosvi and Hyun Kwon. “Development of the Labview Interface for Thorlabs™ Optical Trapping Kit data collection and control.” ASME 2015 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition. Houston, TX. November 13-19, 2015.

Michael Hess and Hyun Kwon. “Prototyping to validate the design of pressure-progressing spray fitting apparatus. ASME 2015 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition. Houston, TX. November 13-19, 2015.

Cody Rieger, Gunnar Lovhoiden, James Magbanau, and Boon-Chai Ng. “Microstructural evaluation of DEAP material after stress relaxation cycles.” The Minerals, Metals, and Materials Society Conference. Orlando, FL. March 15-19, 2015.

Boon Chai Ng and Cody Rieger. “Stress-Relaxation Cycles and its Effect on the Capacitance of Di-Electric Electro Active Polymers.” Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters Annual Conference. 日韩AV, Berrien Springs, MI. March 13, 2015.

Cody Rieger, Gunnar Lovhoiden, James Magbanau, and Boon-Chai Ng. “Microstructural Evaluation of DEAP Material after Stress Relaxation Cycles.” The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society Conference. Orlando, FL. March 15-19, 2015.

Will Allen, Dominique Tan-Ng, Lucas Machado, and Boon-Chai Ng. “Evaluation of Anodized Aluminum for Potential Use as an Interposer for the Test Socket Industry.” Third International Scholars Conferences. Universitas Advent Indonesia, Indonesia. October 20-22, 2015.


Peer-Reviewed Publications

    D. DeGroot, B. Moreland, and E. Bogatin. Have your cake and eat it, too: Engineering measurements at fabrication for channel design and process control. DesignCon 2014 Conf. Dig., January 2014, 1-22. http://cdn.teledynelecroy.com/files/whitepapers/have_your_cake_and_eat_it_too.pdf


 D. DeGroot, B. Moreland, and E. Bogatin. "Have Your Cake and Eat It, Too: Engineering Measurements at Fabrication for Channel Design and Process Control." DesignCon 2014. Santa Clara, CA.  January 30, 2014.

H. J. Kwon and Robert Polski. “Computational Model of Light Propagation in Skin and Subcutaneous Blood Vessels for Vein Imaging Devices.” Biomedical Engineers’ Society (BMES). San Antonio, TX. October 23, 2014. http://bmes.org/files/BMES%202014%20Program_FINAL.pdf

H. J. Kwon and Alyson Drew. “Paper-based biosensor for colorimetric detection of PSA biomarker.” Biomedical Engineers’ Society (BMES). San Antonio, TX. October 23, 2014. http://bmes.org/files/BMES%202014%20Program_FINAL.pdf

Boon-Chai Ng. “Mastering Engineering®, An Online Homework, Tutorial and Assessment System, Facilitates the Engineering Professor in Evaluating the (ABET) Learning Outcomes For His Course.” 2nd International Scholar’ Conference. Adventist University of the Philippines, Silang, Laguna, Philippines. October 15-16, 2014.

Boon Chai Ng, Gunnar Lovhoiden, James Magbanua. “Evaluating the electrical resistance and capactiance of a di-electric electro-active polymer.” Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters Annual Conference. Rochester, Michigan. February 28, 2014.


Peer-Reviewed Publications

    G.S. Agoki, B.R. Bankhead, R. Fuentes. The Effect of Suppression of Pessimistic Time on the Simulation Approach to Determine the Completion Time and Associated Probability in Senior Design Projects in Undergraduate Engineering Program. ProMAC 2013.

    G.S. Agoki, B.R. Bankhead, R. Fuentes. Structuring the Work Breakdown Structure of Senior Design Projects in Undergraduate Engineering Programs. ProMAC 2013.

    G.S. Agoki, B.R. Bankhead, R. Fuentes. Statistical Tests for Completion Time and Activity Duration in Senior Design Projects in Undergraduate Engineering Programs. ProMAC 2013.

    H.J. Kwon. Use of COMSOL Simulation for Undergraduate Fluid Dynamics course. Computers in Education Journal, 23(3), 2013. http://www.asee.org/public/conferences/8/papers/4407/view
    B.C. Ng, G. Lovhoiden, J. Magbanua. Evaluation of the Electrical Resistance and Capacitance of a Di-electric Electro-active Polymer. The 8th Pacific Rim International Congress on Advanced Materials and Processing, TMS, 2013. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/9781118792148.ch5/summary

    Boon-Chai Ng and Betsy Nixon. “Incorporating MasteringEngineering® to Tutor Engineering Students Individually as well as providing the instructor with rich teaching diagnostics.” 1st International Scholar Conference Proceeding, Asia-Pacific International University, Thailand, Oct 3-4 2013.


    H.J. Kwon. “Combined QCM-D and EGFET System for Biomolecular Interaction Monitoring.” AVS 60th International Symposium & Exhibition. Long Beach, CA. October 27-November 1, 2013.

    H.J. Kwon, R. Huyancaya. “Modeling light propagation in skin for visualization of subcutaneous veins.” COMSOL Conference. Boston, MA. October 7-9, 2013.

    H.J. Kwon, M. Hess, R. Polski. “COMSOL simulation of transdermal toxin expulsion via adsorptive dermal patch.” COMSOL Conference. Boston, MA. October 7-9, 2013.
    Luke Kang, Robert Polski, H.J. Kwon, and Desmond Murray. “Synthesis and characterization of arylidene rhodanine derivatives as bi-functional linkers for metal and metal oxide nanoparticles.” Michigan Academy of Science, Arts & Letters. Grand Rapids, MI. March 22, 2013.

    Boon-Chai Ng and Betsy Nixon. “Incorporating MasteringEngineering® to Tutor Engineering Students Individually As well as providing the instructor with rich teaching diagnostics.” 1st International Scholar Conference Proceeding. Asia-Pacific International University, Thailand. October 3-4, 2013.

    Boon-Chai Ng, James Magbanua and Gunnar Lovhoiden.“Evaluation of the electrical resistance and capacitance of a di-electric electro-active polymer.” The 8th Pacific Rim International Congress on Advanced Materials and Processing, TMS (The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society). Waikoloa, Hawaii. August 4-9, 2013.



    G.S. Agoki. Engineering Graphics with AutoCAD/Inventor CREO Elements/Pro and SolidWorks, Fourth Edition, George S. Agoki, PhD ISBN-978-0-9841461-4-7, 2012.

    B.C. Ng and G.S. Agoki. “Graphics Educations Are Needed For Upper Division Mechanical Engineering Design Classes” 66th Engineering Design Graphics Division Mid-Year Conference Proceeding, Galveston, Texas, pp. 188-197, 2012. http:// edgd.asee.org

    G.S. Agoki and B.C. Ng. “Using First Year Engineering Graphics Course for Student Outcomes and Assessment” 66th Engineering Design Graphics Division Mid-Year Conference Proceeding, Galveston, Texas, pp. 98-108, 2012. http:// edgd.asee.org

    G.S. Agoki & C. Dias. (2012) “Use of the Simulation Approach to Determine the Completion Time and Associated Probability in Senior Design Projects in Undergraduate Engineering Programs.” ProMAC 2012, 6th International Conference on Project Management, Honolulu, Hawaii, U.S.A.

    A. Blankman, E. Bogatin, and D. DeGroot. “A Practical Approach for Using Circuit Board Qualification Test Results to Accurately Simulate High Speed Serial Link Performance,” DesignCon 2012 Conf. Dig., Feb. 2012.
    D. DeGroot, K. Doshi, D. Dunham,“De-embedding in high speed design,” DesignCon 2012 Conf. Dig., Feb. 2012.

    B.C. Ng, G. Lovhoiden, K. Sompalli, T. Willliams. An Evaluation of the Electrical Resistance of a Di-electric Electro-active Polymer Undergoing a Series of Stress-relaxation Cycles, 2012 Hawaii University International Conferences Education, Math & Engineering Technology. 2012. http://huichawaii.org/assets/m---ng,-boon-chai---lovhoiden.pdf

    G. Lovhoiden. CA2518315: IMAGING SYSTEM USING DIFFUSE INFRARED LIGHT An imaging system that illuminates body tissue with infrared light to enhance visibility of subcutaneous blood vessels and generates video images of the body tissue and the subcutaneous blood vessels based on reflected infrared light.  http://patent.ipexl.com/CA/CAZZUCZZ2518315.html

    G. Lovhoiden. EP2207482: IMAGING SYSTEM USING INFRARED LIGHT An imaging system is disclosed for imaging buried structure, typically vasculature, below the surface of an object which can be skin, fat deposits, or other material and for projecting an image of the buried structure onto the surface of the object. http://patent.ipexl.com/EP/EP2207482ZZUCZZA1.html

    G. Lovhoiden. HK 1115791: PROJECTION OF SUBSURFACE STRUCTURE ONTO AN OBJECT’S SURFACE. An imaging system illuminates an object with infrared light to enhance visibility of buried structures beneath the surface of the object, and projects a visible image of the buried structure onto the surface of the object. http://www.directorypatent.com/U2S/20060122515.html

    G. Lovhoiden. US8078263: PROJECTION OF SUBSURFACE STRUCTURE ONTO AN OBJECT’S SURFACE. An imaging system illuminates an object with infrared light to enhance visibility of buried structures beneath the surface of the object, and projects a visible image of the buried structure onto the surface of the object. http://www.google.com/patents/US8078263

    Boon-Chai Ng and Arnold Chand. “Casting Made Easy with 3-D Prints”, 2012 Hawaii University International Conferences Education, Math & Engineering Technology, Conference Proceeding, ISSN #2166-420X (Online), ISSN #2166-4218 (CD-ROM). http://huichawaii.org/assets/m---ng,-boon-chai----chand.pdf

    Boon-Chai Ng, Craig Bradfield, Roy Pritish, and Marlene Murray. “Potential Fiberboard Material from Cow Manure and Disposable Water Bottle”, TMS 2012 Conference Proceeding.  http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/9781118356074.ch16/summary


    G.S. Agoki. The American Society for Engineering Education/Engineering Design Graphics Division 66th Mid-Year Conference, Jan 22nd – 24th 2012, Galveston, Texas Graphics Education Needed for Upper Division Courses in Mechanical Engineering Design.

    G.S. Agoki. The American Society for Engineering Education/Engineering Design Graphics Division 66th Mid-Year Conference, Jan 22nd – 24th 2012, Galveston, Texas, Using First Year Engineering Graphics Course for Student Outcomes and Assessment.

    G.S. Agoki. & C. Dias. (2012) “Use of the Simulation Approach to Determine the Completion Time and Associated Probability in Senior Design Projects in Undergraduate Engineering Programs.” ProMAC 2012, 6th International Conference on Project Management, Honolulu, Hawaii, U.S.A, October 3-5.

    E. Bogatin, D. DeGroot, and A. Blankman. “A Practical Approach for Using Circuit Board Qualification Test Results to Accurately Simulate High Speed Serial Link Performance,” Presented at DesignCon 2012, Talk 13-TP6, Jan. 31, 2012.

    D. DeGroot, K. Doshi, D. Dunham. “De-embedding in high speed design,” Presented at DesignCon 2012, Talk 13-MA1, Santa Clara, Calif., Jan. 30, 2012.

    T. Zirkle, R. Huancaya, H. J. Kwon. Development of a novel biosensor setup of combined QCM-D and FET, ASME 2012 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Houston, TX, Nov. 11-15, 2012.

    H. J. Kwon. Monitoring of conformational change of a calcium binding protein S100A5 using QCM-D sensor, American Institute of Chemical Engineers Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, Oct. 28-31, 2012.

    H. J. Kwon. Use of COMSOL Simulation for Undergraduate Fluid Dynamics course, American Society for Engineering Education conference, San Antonio, TX, June 11-13, 2012.

    B.C. Ng. July 31-August 2, 2012, Hawaii University International Conferences Education, Math & Engineering Technology, Hawaii An Evaluation of the Electrical Resistance of a Di-Electric Electro-Active Polymer Undergoing a Series of Stress-Relaxation Cycles.

    B.C. Ng. July 31-August 2, 2012, Hawaii University International Conferences Education, Math & Engineering Technology, Hawaii, Casting Made Easy with 3-D Prints.

    B.C. Ng. The American Society for Engineering Education/Engineering Design Graphics Division 66th Mid-Year Conference, Jan 22nd – 24th 2012, Galveston, Texas Graphics Education Needed for Upper Division Courses in Mechanical Engineering Design.

    B.C. Ng. The Minerals, Metals, and Materials Society Annual Meeting, March 11-15, 2012 Potential Fiberboard Material from Cow Manure and Disposable Water Bottle.

    B.C. Ng. The American Society for Engineering Education/Engineering Design Graphics Division 66th Mid-Year Conference, Jan 22nd – 24th 2012, Galveston, Texas, Using First Year Engineering Graphics Course for Student Outcomes and Assessment.