

Faculty Research

Hyun J. Kwon, PhD

We are currently developing a paper based biosensor with colorimetric detection, electrochemiluminescent detection that is merged with cell phone apps.

Paper networks provide a low-cost alternative to conventional microfluidic devices which require precise pumps or pneumatic control systems.  Fluid in the paper network transport through capillarity, therefore, it does not require pumps or power to run pumps.  In recent years, the paper became a new frontier in development of POC device The so-called Paper Analytic Device (PAD) often employs colorimetric detection scheme as it can be easily detected by eyes or cell phone apps.   Electrochemical detection method is also popular detection method to quantify the analysts.


Jay R Johnson, PhD

Space Weather involves the complex interactions between the sun, earth, and ionosphere that can affect life on earth.  Many aspects of modern technology can be affected by large geomagnetic storms including communications, power distribution, navigation, and military operations.  Understanding how solar wind structures powered by the sun interact with the magnetospheric environment is essential to mitigate hazards associated with energetic particles. 

His projects at Andrews include studies of the response of the magnetosphere to solar wind driving,

Jay Johnson, who recently joined the Engineering department, has led the space physics group at Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory for the last decade on cutting edge research related to space weather.  His projects at Andrews include studies of the response of the magnetosphere to solar wind driving, first principals modeling of waves and associated particle acceleration, and magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling associated with auroral activity. 



Rodney Summerscales, PhD

Rodney Summerscales is currently working with students on projects that involve artificial intelligence and/or virtual reality.
These projects include an intelligent software system that can learn to read and summarize medical research papers, improvements to BibleOL (an online tool for learning Biblical Hebrew and Greek), and several virtual reality projects.







Student Research

Will Allen (Boon-Chai Ng, Engineering, Creating and Testing Anodized Aluminum for potential application as an interposer in the test socket industry.  Summer 2015, Fall 2015



Bernardo Martinez | Architectural Viz with Oculus Rift| The research deals with implementing a framework to import files from Autodesk Revit to Unreal4. The oculus rift is a virtual reality headset. He used it to give a more in depth experience of the buildings. By wearing the oculus Bernardo was able to immerse into the 3d world and look at depth of objects

Heaven Shin (hyun Kwon, Engineering), Paper Biosensor design and test. Summer 2015

Christa Spieth (Boon-Chai Ng, Engineering) Testing anodized Aluminum for potential application as an interposer in the test socket intdurty, Srping 2016



Zachary Verhelle (Hyun Kwon, Engineering) Electrochemical apaper biosensor development. Spring 2016



Jonathan Wheeler (Tiffany Summerscales, Physics) characterized response of an optical fiber Bragg grating Lorenzian filter, and presented findings and feedback-control applications for gravitational wave research and quantum cryptography labs on campus



Eui Bin You |Mobile Application for Biosensor Colorimetric Analysis| Eric developed an Android app that allows the user take a picture of a biosensor (developed by Dr. Kwon) and then, using machine learning to analyze the color of the sensor, decides whether the picture shows a positive or negative result. Fall 2015


Luis Rios | Cisco Systems | Software Engineering Intern- Assisted in systems testing and network adaptation for Cisco products & solution architectures. Validated functionality and connectivity of new & reassembled test beds for Connected Transportation Systems (CTS) in Cisco IOS. Studied for Cisco CCNA Routing & Switching Certification.


Robert Polski | REU U of M Center for Photonic and Multiscale Nanomaterials | Nucleation and growth of indium nanoparticles on silicon- By changing the surface structure we can make materials that are more sensitive to light and more powerful for use as solar cells and sensors. REU Yale


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