
2016-2017 Faculty Research Grants

New Faculty Research Grants: 2016-2017

• Karl Bailey and Harvey Burnett (Behavioral Sciences). Effects of Simulated Impairment on Working Memory, Motivations, and Intentions. Abstract

• Harvey Burnett (Behavioral Sciences). Examining the Efficacy of Psychology First Aid on Anxiety, Mood, Physiological Responses, and Resilience. Abstract

• Krista Cooper & Curt VanderWaal (Social Work). Identity and Experience: The Lives of Women Living with Symptomatic Uterine Fibroids. Abstract

• Anneris Coria-Navia (Teaching, Learning & Curriculum). Code-switching and its Relationship to School  and Social Experiences in Bilingual Children Whose Home Language is English in a Spanish Speaking Country. Abstract

• Vanessa Coredera (English). Othello and Modern Appropriation. Abstract

• Stefanie Elkiins-Bates (Visual Art, Communication & Design). Model Shrines and Cult Stands of the Madaba Plains. Abstract

• Kari Friestad (Visual Art, Communication & Design). Exhibition and Studio Plan for New Series: Tunnel Vision. Abstract

• Oliver Glanz (Old Testament) & Rodney Summerscales (Engineering & Computer Science). Making Biblical Hebrew Students Learn the Hebrew Language not the Hebrew Bible. Abstract

• Daniel Gonazalez-Socoloske (Biology). Habitat Assessment and Use by Antillean Manatees in Isla de la Juventud, Cuba and Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnakes in Berrien County, Michigan. Abstract

• Jerry Harris (Agriculture). The Value of Alfalfa and Other Pelleted Plant Material as an Organic Fertilizer on the Growth of Tomatoes. Abstract

• Oystein LaBianca (Behavioral Sciences). Hesban 14: Hesban in Global History. Abstract

• Peter Lyons (Biology).  Expression Profile of Carboxypeptidase O in Cells, in Tissues, and in Organs. Abstract

• Lauber de Souza Martins (Physics). Economic Viability Study of the Installation of Fuel Cell for Combined Heat and Power (CHP) System for Stationary Applications. Abstract

• Duane McBride, Petr Cincala, Curt VanderWaal, Desrene Vernon-Brebnor, Rene Drumm, Karl Bailey, Alina Baltazar, and Krista Cooper (Behavioral Sciences, Church Ministry, Social Work, and Visual Art Communication & Design).  An Evaluation of Adventist World Radio to Improve Audience Mission Impact. Abstract

• Maximino Mejia, Anneris Coria-Navia, Sherine Brown-Fraser, Gretchen Krivak, Greggory Morrow (Public Health, Nutrition & Wellness; Teaching, Learning & Curriculum).  Amate, Activate and Cuidate [Love Yourself, Exercise, Take Care of Yourself]: A Lifestyle Intervention for the Primary Prevention of Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome Among School-Age Children of Ciudad Victoria Tamaulipas: A Pilot Study. Abstract

• Desmond Murray (Chemistry) and Denise Smith (Biology).  Hybrid Boronic Acids as Potential Antiglioblastoma Agents. Abstract

• David Nowack, Ryan Hayes, and Dana Johnston (Chemistry). Integrating Polymer Science Principles and Techniques in First Year General Chemistry Laboratories: A Sstudy in the Scholarship of Learning Using Dendrimer Polymers. Abstract

• Paul Petersen (Religion). Acts of the Apostles. Abstract

• Kimberly Pichot (Business). Factors That Impact Sustainable Growth of Medium-size Businesses. Abstract

• Caryn Pierce (Physical Therapy). The Effect of Controlled Ankle Motion (CAM) Boot Shank Angle on Standing Posture and Temporospatial Gait Parameters. Abstract

• Caryn Pierce and William Scott (Physical Therapy). Reporting and Barriers to Reporting among Physical Therapy Student Interns before and after an Applied Ethics Course. Abstract

• Joel Raveloharimisy and Alexandra Raney (Behavioral Sciences). Hungry for Attention: The Right to Food in Madagascar. Abstract

• Garth Woodruff (Agriculture). A Multiple Case Study of Three Sustainable Business Models for Local Healthy Food Delivery Systems in Underprivileged Urban Areas. Abstract

• Robert Zdor (Biology). Understanding the Basis of Soil-Specific Effective Suppression of Velvetleaf Growth by Mustard Seed Meal. Abstract

Faculty Research Grant Renewals: 2016-2017

• Greg Constantine (Visual Art, Communication & Design). Creation and Exhibition of “Poetic Licenses.” Abstract

• H. Thomas Goodwin (Biology). Distribution and Paleobiology of Hibernation in Fossil Ground-Dwelling Squirrels from the Meade Basin, SW Kansas, USA. Abstract

• Ryan Hayes (Chemistry). Structure Identification and Toxicity Assessment of an Arginine-based Heterocyclic Amine. Abstract

• Hyun Kwon (Engineering & Computer Science). Paper Biosensors and Mobile Apps for Affordable Detection of Cancer Biomarkers. Abstract

• Kenneth Logan (Music). Musical Composition Fostering and Efficiency Project. Abstract

• Desmond Murray (Chemistry) and Kanya Long (Biology). Hybrid Heterocyclic Boronic Acids as Potential Inhibitors against Alphaviruses. Abstract

• Benjamin Navia and John Stout (Biology). The Effect of Model Calls with Varying Sound Intensities and Multiple Frequencies on the Phonotactic Selectivity and Its Neural Correlates by Female Crickets. Abstract

• Randall Younker (Archaeology). Archaeological Monuments of Salemi, Sicily. Abstract

Faculty Research Grant No-cost Carryovers: 2016-2017

• Lisa Ahlberg (Chemistry), Investigation of 1,3-Dipolar Cycloaddition Mechanisms: Synthesis of Thiolactomycin and Derivatives. Abstract

• Ivan Davis (English), Fred Newton Scott and Journalism Training at the University of Michigan. Abstract

• Kenley Hall and Joseph Kidder (Christian Ministry), Pilot Case Studies of NAD Churches Who are Attracting and Keeping Young Adults (18-30). Abstract

• Jimmy Kijai (Graduate Psychology and Counseling) and LeRoy Ruhupatty (Accounting, Economics & Finance), Student Engagement and Its Relationship to Development of Values, Religious Commitment and Community Services at Selected Adventist Colleges/Universities in the Southern Asia Pacific Region. Abstract

• Robson Marinho (Leadership), Practical Application of Kolb’s Experiential Learning Cycle to Professional Development as Perceived by the Participants of Leadership Development Programs in Cross-Cultural Settings. Abstract

• Getahun Merga (Chemistry), Synthesis and Characterization of Conjugated Gold and Silver Nanoparticles with Sulfur Containing Amino Acids. Abstract

• Boon-Chai Ng (Engineering and Computer Science), Creating and Testing Anodized Aluminum for Potential Application as an Interposer in the Test Socket Industry. Abstract

• Tiffany Summerscales (Physics), Gravitational Waveform Recovery for Advanced LIGO. Abstract

Felipe Tan & Jim Ford (James White Library).  Subject Analysis of the Books in Ellen G. White’s Private and Office Libraries. Abstract

• Shannon Trecartin (Social Work), Examining the Factor Structure of the Latent Construct “Physical Home Environment” using the National Health and Aging Trends Study. Abstract