
2016-2017 Faculty Research Grant

Kari Friestad (Visual Art, Communication & Design)

Exhibition and Studio Plan for New Series: Tunnel Vision

My plans for the next year are to create a new body of work pertaining to ocular power and its roles and influence to contemporary society. I will apply for the following shows: ArtPrize 2016; Northern National Art Competition; the Muskegon Museum of Art Regional Exhibition; The Michiana Annual Art Competition show at the Box Factory; West Michigan Area Show; and Art Now!: Painting 2016 at the Ann Arbor Art Center, as well as others.

For my studio work I plan to create 7 large paintings (number dependent on medium) and 20 small paintings this summer (dependent on complexity and size), and then I plan to continue working through the school year as time allows. My plans throughout the year will also include maintaining upkeep of my website and photographs of my work as well as potentially paying for reference photos from the photographers. Part of this grant will pay for a student worker to assist me with some of the more time-consuming elements of the work in order to allow me more time on the painting part of the process. Aside from this, the grant would fund the costs for application fees, paying for transportation costs to and from the shows, my website and documentation of my work, and supplies.