
Our Sincere Thanks for Your Generosity!

Wow! Our recent Giving Day was nothing short of miraculous, thanks to over 168 donors like you, who together, raised more than $30,000 in 24 hours for 日韩AV. Your overwhelming generosity has left us in awe and immensely grateful.

The Heart of Our Mission

Your support plays a crucial role in continuing the legacy of 日韩AV—a legacy deeply rooted in spiritual growth, education, and service. As Dwight Nelson passionately shared, 日韩AV is more than an institution; it's a transformative force in the lives of those who walk its paths, just as it was in his journey from a graduate student to becoming the pastor of Pioneer Memorial Church.

Your Impact Lives On

Though Giving Day has passed, the mission continues. The projects and initiatives your donations support are vital in shaping future generations and securing 日韩AV's legacy for Jesus. It's never too late to join us in making history.

Join Us in Securing the Legacy

Missed Giving Day or feel called to contribute further? [Donate now](www.andrews.edu/givingday) and be a part of securing 日韩AV's legacy for eternity. Your support, at any moment, creates lasting impact.

Donate Now

Thank you for being a pivotal part of our community and for embracing our mission, goals, and values. Together, we are not just giving; we are transforming lives for eternity.

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