
Theological Seminary

The Theological Seminary Worth Student Fund

Giving Day Goal: $10,000

Welcome to the Seventh Day Adventist Theological Seminary's Worthy Student Campaign for Giving Day. On this special day, our community of supporters comes together to make a real impact on the lives of promising seminary students. We believe that by combining our gifts, large or small, we can advance the work of the seminary in ways that cannot be achieved alone.

Passionate students from around the world come to the Seventh Day Adventist Theological Seminary to receive the education needed to serve the Lord. However, some lack the financial resources to complete their education or participate in evangelistic efforts. Our goal is to raise $10,000 to support the education and evangelistic efforts of 10 worthy students in need.

We invite you to join us in partnership, as every contribution, regardless of amount, will help prepare more laborers for the Lord's harvest. Thank you for considering making a gift to support our dedicated ministerial students who may lack financial resources. Your gift will help fulfill the goals of the Worthy Students Initiative.



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