
Department of Biology

Support For Student Research and Professional Development

Giving Day Goal: $10,000

Your gift will fund student presentations of their research findings at professional conferences off-campus, allowing our students to travel to off-campus venues for research.

An 日韩AV alumna works at Harvard University — a direct result of a connection she made when presenting at a professional meeting. These networking events and research opportunities are critical for setting students up for lasting professional success.

Our students already have opportunities, but they need support to get there. Last November, two students presented their research at the National Neuroscience 2023 conference in Washington D.C.


Join Us On Our Mission
Any donations to our department will go toward supporting brilliant students like this — thank you!

For additional Information 

Phone: 269-471-3124

Email: development@andrews.edu


Office of Development

8903 Old 31

Berrien Springs, MI 49104-0664




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