

2022-2023 Basic Costs

  Expenses Semester
Tuition and General Fees MA DSLE   $825.00/credit
Tuition (Master's Level)   $1,230.00/credit
Tuition (Doctoral and Ed.S)  $1,428.00/credit
Graduate General Fee  $515.00
Seminary Activity Fee  $15.00
Continuation Fees Master's Project/Thesis/Program Continuation  $285.00
Doctoral Dissertation  $720.00
Seminary Program Continuation  $867.00
Preparation for Comprehensive Exams  $242.00

The following discounts are available for our students:

  • Seminary Spouse Discount - qualified spouses of full-time, on-campus Seminary students may enroll for up to 9 (max) credits per semester for net tuition charge of $175.00/credit in the SDA Theological Seminary (all conditions must be met).
  • 25% Tuition Discount for MA (Religious Education) students with a cumulative GPA above 3.0
  • 25% Tuition Discount for MAYYAM students with cumulative GPA 2.5 - 2.99
  • 38% Tuition Discount for MAYYAM students with cumulative GPA above 3.0

Students must apply for the discount at the beginning of every semester. Please contact the department's administrative assistant at dsle@andrews.edu for more information about discounts.

To learn more information about finances please visit our financial section and/or contact your financial advisor.