
Master of Arts (Discipleship in Lifespan Education)


The MA (Discipleship in Lifespan Education) degree prepares scholars for leadership roles and service in settings where religious, moral, and spiritual nurture and growth are primary concerns. The programs offer interdisciplinary academic degrees with considerable flexibility to meet your individual interests. Concentrations in Discipleship in Lifespan Education include:

Professional Concentrations

Academic Concentrations

Other options customized by the student in consultation with an advisor can be available.

Program Description

The MA (Discipleship in Lifespan Education) degree prepares scholars for leadership roles and service in settings where religious, moral, and spiritual nurture and growth are primary concerns. Areas of concentration in Discipleship in Lifespan Education include Youth and Young Adult Ministry, Family Life Education, Campus Chaplaincy, Religious Education and Bible Teacher concentrations. The programs offer interdisciplinary academic degrees with considerable flexibility to meet your individual interests.

Program Outcomes

  • As a Christian Apologist - Articulates a philosophy of religious education.
  • As a Pastor-Teacher - Uses appropriate methodologies to disciple.
  • As a Servant-Leader - Applies the principles of servant leadership.
  • As an Evaluator/Researcher - Understands basic terminology, potential contributions, and limitations of scholarly research in the evaluation and implementation of discipleship initiatives.
  • As a Maturing Christian - Engages consistently with Scripture in biblical and spiritual disciplines to be open to the transforming work of the Holy Spirit in his or her life.
  • As a Lifelong Learner - Pursues personal and professional development.
  • As an Area Expert - Demonstrates the ability to apply all relevant core competencies to the area of emphasis


Learn more about the Admission Requirements for the MA (Discipleship in Lifespan Education).