
PhD (Discipleship & Lifespan Education) Christian Formation and Discipleship Emphasis

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Required Courses for the Degree

DSLE 606 Philosophical Fnds of Education & Philosophy

DSLE 605 Foundations in Discipleship and Lifespan Education

EDRM 505 Research Methods

DSLE 541 Foundations of Biblical Spirituality

12 credits
Core Courses    
Christian Apologist DSLE 850 Theological Foundations of Christian Teaching

GSEM 915 Biblical and Theological Hermeneutics

6 credits
Pastor- Teacher Choose 1 of the following 3 courses:

GDPC 604 Human Sexuality and Sex Therapy

GDPC 620 History and Systems of Psychology

GDPC 635 Theories and Techniques of Counseling


Choose 1 of the following 4 courses:

DSLE 610 Teaching for Discipleship

DSLE 860 Teaching Religion in College

EDCI 650Curriculum Design: _______

EDCI 750 Course Design: ________
6 credits
Servant Leader

Choose one 2-credit course or a total of 2 credits from the following courses:

EDAL 667 Leadership in Higher Education

EDCI 620 Facilitating Change in Learning Organizations

LEAD 635 Leadership and Learning Plan

PATH 712 Transformational Leadership

2 credits
Researcher Evaluator

EDRM 605 Qualitative Research Methods in Educ & Psych

EDRM 611 Applied Statistical Methods I

EDRM 712 Applied Statistical Mehtods II

9 credits
Maturing Christian DSLE 830 Advanced Fostering Spiritual Growth 3 credits
Lifelong Scholar

 DSLE 878 Advanced Scholarly and Professional Development

DSLE 950 Synthesis in Discipleship and Lifespan Education

2 credits
Dissertation Sequence

EDRM 880 or LEAD 880 Dissertation Proposal Development

DSLE 887 Applied Research

DSLE 994 Dissertation: Literature Review

DSLE 995 Doctoral Dissertation

16 credits
Concentration Courses

CHIS 940 - Seminar Credits: 3

GDPC 616 - Psychology of Religious Experience, Credits: 3

MSSN 830 - Seminar in Strategies and Development in Mission, Credits: 3

DSLE 930 - Seminar: _______________ Credits: 3 (Seminar in New Testament Spirituality)

OTST 885 - Topics in _________  Credits: 2,3 (2 cr req)

THST 814 - Seminar in Philosophy, Theology and Ethics, Credits: 3

2-3 Credits of an elective (advisor consultation required)

20 credits
Total  64 credits