
Policies and Procedures

  1. Withdrawal and Refund of Tuition and Fees Policy
  2. Scheduling and Attendance Policy
  3. Vacation Policy
  4. Protection of Privacy of Information Policy
  5. Access to Personal Records Policy
  6. Access to Student Support Services Policy
  7. Insurance, Travel and Liability Policy
  8. Injury or Illness while in a Facility for Supervised Practice Policy
  9. Drug Screens and Background Checks Policy
  10. Immunizations Policy
  11. Minimum wage Ruling Policy
  12. Filing and Handling Complaints Policy
  13. Assessment of Prior Learning Policy
  14. Intern Peformance Monitoring Policy
  15. Retention and Remediation Policy
  16. Discipline and Termination Policy
  17. Graduation and /or DI Program Completion Requirement Policy
  18. Verification Statements Policy
  19. Intern Conduct Policy
  20. Personal Appearance Policy
  21. Medical Leave of Absence Policy
  22. Confidentiality of Medical Records Policy
  23. Chats Policy
  24. Weekly Reports Policy
  25. Equitable Treatment Policy
  26. Supervised Practice Site
  27. Distance Rquirements
  28. Online Exams



1. Withdrawal and Refund of Tuition and Fees Policy

An intern who voluntarily withdraws from the internship at any time during the 9 months following the program orientation in August will be ineligible for any refund of tuition and fees. An intern who is terminated by the program director will be eligible for a tuition refund according to the following schedule. 
Refund       Point of Termination 
100%         1-15 days from the 1st day of orientation 
70%          16-27 days
40%          28-38 days
0%              39+ days

2. Scheduling and Attendance Policy

Regular attendance and punctuality at each site and for monthly on-line internship meetings (see section 23 for more details on meetings) are mandatory. Being tardy during a rotation may result in failing the rotation. IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT INTERNS CALL THEIR SITES AND THE EMAIL THE INTERNSHIP DIRECTOR WHEN THEY WILL BE LATE OR ABSENT FOR ANY REASON.
Life crises such as death, bereavement, illness, accidents, and other emergencies may result in the intern having to take an approved leave of absence from the program.
If you find out you are going to need time off for any such reason, please let the Intership Director know as soon as possible. Personal leave for anything other than medical, bereavement, or emergency reasons is NOT ALLOWED.
It is the responsibility of the intern to confer with the site coordinator immediately regarding absences and to be familiar with the grading policy contained in the Internship Handbook.
Absences, approved by the site coordinator and Internship Director, are to be made up with an equivalent amount of time. The time must be made up, if possible, within the two semesters. Unexcused absences will have an impact on the intern’s evaluation and therefore on the grade the intern receives for their graduate certificate.
Interns who require make-up days which extend beyond the end of the 日韩AV semester must register for a program continuation course. Please contact the Dietetic Internship Director for details.

3. Vacation Policy and Intern Schedule

During the Internship the intern is scheduled for a total of 14 days of vacation (Thanksgiving, Christmas and Spring  Break. Rearrangement of vacation days can be approved only by the site coordinator and Internship Director. Holidays observed by the organization may also be honored as days off for the student after consultation with the site coordinator. Holidays should not interfere with the 1016 hours. The student is expected to engage in their supervised practice 8 hours/day, 4 days/week.  There will be a three day, in person orientation that takes place in the middle of August prior to the start of the internship. The program schedule starts at the end of August and finishes at the end of April.


4. Protection of Privacy of Information Policy

The following may have the right of access to an official student record:  the intern, officers of the University and its schools, those assigned the responsibility of keeping the record, chairpersons of instructional departments, teachers and program assistants .  In addition, the officers may allow access to others they determine to have legitimate educational interest.  In this event, those assigned the responsibility of keeping the records shall keep in the file a record showing which persons have seen the record.
Interns are entitled to privacy regarding anything of a personal nature, either written or stated, by faculty, staff, and site preceptors. Intern files are accessible only by the intern, in addition to university personnel associated with the program. 
In the case of an intern whose performance is in question, the Internship director will have the authority to share portions of the file with a select committee in order to aid in reviewing the intern’s performance and make a determination regarding the eligibility of the intern to continue in the program. Interns will be required to sign a form agreeing to allow Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics (ACEND) access to their official transcripts in the case of a random audit.
Information will not be given to persons outside the program without the consent of the intern. Interns will have access to all of their own personal files upon request. 
Preceptors will have access only to those portions of the intern’s file deemed necessary by the Internship Director for the provision of appropriate supervision and evaluation of the intern. 

5. Access to Personal Records Policy

Interns may inspect their official records upon request to the appropriate offices listed below.  The request must be granted within a period of 45 days from the time the request was made.  The publication of the location of these records in the university school bulletin constitutes all notification required by law.




School of Population Health, Nutrition & Wellness

Dietetic Internship Records

Office of the Registrar

Academic Records

Office of Admissions (Graduate Studies)

Admissions Records

Office of Student Financial Services

Student Account Records

Counseling and Testing Center

Achievement Test Scores


Intelligence Test Scores


Personality Test Scores

Departments of Instruction

Official Folder of Records, if one is kept

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6. Access to Student Support Services Policy

The Internship has the following student support services due to the fact that it is considered a distance program. The following support services are provided:

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7. Insurance, Travel and Liability Policy

General Liability Coverage 
The University provides all interns with insurance for professional liability.
Auto Insurance
Interns are expected to provide their own transportation unless provided by the facility. However, daily transportation to and from the facility remains the responsibility of the intern. 
Interns are expected to maintain adequate automobile insurance while enrolled in the Dietetic Internship program. Interns assume their own liability for safety in travel to all experiential learning sites,  to and  from 日韩AV or other required facilities for classes and meetings and any other internship travel.
Medical Insurance 
Medical insurance coverage can be purchased through AU or other providers. Interns interested in purchasing coverage from AU should contact Student Insurance by email at stuins@andrews.edu in the Office of Human Resources to learn more.

8. Injury or Illness while in a Facility for Supervised Practice Policy

In most cases, interns will have access to on-site health care in the event of injury or other emergency. Cost of such treatment may vary from facility to facility. However, due to the nature of our affiliation agreements, interns do not qualify for worker’s compensation due to injuries received on facility premises. If you have an emergency please contact the Internship Director (269-471-3372).

9. Drug Screens and Background Checks Policy

Interns will be required to submit to drug screens and background checks as required by the individual sites. FAILURE OF A DRUG SCREEN OR BACKGROUND CHECK WILL RESULT IN AUTOMATIC TERMINATION FROM THE PROGRAM. The intern will be responsible for the cost of the testing.
Additional information for each hospital site can be obtained .

10. Immunizations Policy

Several immunizations may be required, such as hepatitis B, MMR (mumps, measles, rubella), and diphtheria/tetanus, depending on the hospitals or sites to which you are assigned. TB skin tests are likely to be required as well, especially at the hospitals. INTERNS ARE FULLY SUBJECT TO THE POLICIES AND PROCEDURES AT EACH PARTICULAR SITE. You may avoid repeating some or all of the immunizations by bringing the appropriate immunization records with you to your sites. All interns are advised to take the Hepatitis B vaccine if they have not done so already. It is suggested that interns obtain copies of any documentation describing immunizations or TB skin tests received at various facilities in order to eliminate the need for additional immunizations/tests at subsequent sites. Any costs incurred as a result of needing TB tests or immunizations are the responsibility of the dietetic intern, although most hospitals will only charge a nominal fee for each immunization required. 
Additional information for each hospital site can be obtained .

11. Minimum wage Ruling Policy

The minimum wage ruling is in effect at all times during the internship, meaning that interns are not employees of the sites, and are not entitled to a job at the conclusion of the internship or an individual rotation. Interns should not be used to replace employees. All preceptors are to adhere to the rotation schedules and learning activities as provided by the Internship Director. 
日韩AV interns are not paid as part of the dieteic internship.

12. Filing and Handling Complaints Policy

Every effort should be made by the intern, the site coordinator, and the Internship Director to provide an experience that is conducive to the development of professional competencies. However, as in any professional environment, behavior or circumstances may arise causing grievance to one or both parties. 
Complaints or concerns about the program should be discussed with the Internship director.  If an intern or preceptor has a grievance with another intern, preceptor or the Internship director, the policy as outlined in the University regulations should be followed. Grievances will be discussed with the Chair of the School of Population Health, Nutrition & Wellness.
The intern should realize that for all concerns that cannot be resolved with the party causing the injury, the following chain of command should be contacted. For efficient resolution of the concern, it is important that the sequential order of the chain be observed. You may be requested to state your grievance in writing. 
 Site Coordinator 
 Internship Director 
 Chair, School of Population Health, Nutrition & Wellness 
 Dean, College of Health & Human Services
 Vice-President for Academic Administration
 President, 日韩AV  
Interns should submit complaints regarding accreditation matters to ACEND only after all other options with the program have been exhausted.  ACEND will review complaints that relate to a program's compliance with the accreditation/approval standards. ACEND is interested in the sustained quality and continued improvement of dietetic education programs but does not intervene on behalf of individuals or act as a court of appeal for individuals in matters of admissions, appointment, promotion or dismissal of faculty, staff, or students/interns. ACEND contact: 120 South Riverside Plaza. Suite 2190, Chicago, IL 60606-6995 1800.877.1600

13. Assessment of Prior Learning Policy

It is the policy of the Internship to grant up to 320 hours for credit for prior learning in the areas of food service and community. These hours must have been completed after the DPD verification statement was completed and the intern must specify the specific CRDNs accomplished. 

14. Intern Performance Monitoring

The supervised practice curriculum is derived from ACEND's Competency Statements. These Competency Statements serve as the basis for both internal and external evaluation of the program. Evaluations are designed to monitor the intern peformance with the goals of completing the CRDNS and graduates that are competent practitioners. 

Formal evaluation and testing occurs continuously throughout supervised practice rotations using specifically prepared forms and tests.  The following formal evaluations are:

  1. Evaluation from preceptors regarding competencies and professional behaviors.

  2. Rubrics for projects in a variety of rotations.  

  3. Rotation and section tests.

  4. Concerning intern performance and unprofessional bevaviors are to be addressed as soon as possible. For interns with a score of 1 (does not meet competency) on evaluation, the preceptor is instructed to contact the Dietetic Internship Director Immediately.



During the internship there will be five proctored online tests for each intern to complete. The first test is given at the beginning of the orientation week at 日韩AV in August. A passing score for this test is 70%. There is a second chance to take this test on the last day of orientation. Failure to pass this comprehensive exam, of 100 questions, will mean that the intern cannot continue with the internship. The exam will cover the DPD curriculum as covered in your BS degree. This test can be repeated once only at the end of the orientation week.  Interns are required to turn their camera on to verify identity.

The next three online tests follow the Community Nutrition, Food Service Administration and Clinical Dietetics sections of the internship. The minimum passing score for each test is 80%. Each online rotation test, except the comprehensive final, may be repeated once. This is normally done 1 week to 10 days after the initial attempt. 
Lastly, at the conclusion of the DI, each intern will take a 100 question RD-like comprehensive exam on our Moodle webpage. A passing score for this exam is also 80%. There is no retake for the comprehensive exam. All five tests must be passed successfully for the intern to have their name forwarded to CDR for permission to take the RD exam.
If the intern does not pass on the second attempt of a rotation exam, or does not pass the comprehensive final, the intern will be required to complete an online review module such as www.eatrightprep.org/rdn-exam or attend an RD review session approved by the Internship Director, and take the CDR practice exam (passing with a score 70% or higher) before the intern will be considered as having completed the Internship. The Internship Director reserves the right to determine when is the appropriate time to release the name of the intern to ACEND for permission to write the CDR exam. Test scores throughout the program will influence that decision.
Pre and post tests are also administered for a number of specific clinical rotations and for food service.  The intern needs to score a 80% or higher on each post test to successfully pass the given rotation.  If an intern fails to pass a post test, they will be given one retake opportunity per test.  If the intern fails to pass a retake, they must write a report with a single page dedicated to each question they missed, to be sent to the Internship Director.  It is expected the intern take these exams without resources. Information on academic integrity can be found here
The evaluation instruments (tests, rubrics, evaluations, etc) assess each intern’s performance, knowledge and professional conduct. Some of these judgments will be subjective; personal opinion of the preceptor or site coordinator. Other evaluation strategies will utilize mutual agreement or consensus, or the analysis of objective data (such as test scores).  Preceptors completing the evaluation use provided forms and review them with the intern prior to signatures. It is the intern’s responsibility to be familiar with the various evaluation/rubric forms so that he/she is aware of the criteria and timing for each item. It is the intern’s responsibility to assure that all evaluations/rubrics are sent to the program director and are completely and accurately filled out. 
  1. The minimum grade to pass the internship is a C. Interns will receive a grade for each semester of the Graduate Certificate. A letter grade of B is required to receive graduate credits for the internship.

  2. A Deferred Grade (DG) may be given for the first semester of the Internship experience. The DG will be changed to a full letter grade by the end of the following semester.

  3. An Incomplete (I) grade may be given due to illness or unavoidable circumstances and not because of negligence or inferior performance. An incomplete may be received upon mutual agreement between the Internship Director and the intern before the beginning of the final week of the Internship by filling out an Incomplete contract presented by the intern and signed by both the intern and the Internship Director. The contract designates the work to be completed, the time limit, and the grade the student automatically will receive should the work not be completed within the agreed-upon time. The incomplete must be completed during the following semester.

The Internship is a formal program for which interns register. The Internship Director is responsible for assigning a grade for each intern. The grade is determined by:
  1. Quality of activities.

  2. The Program Director’s and Site Coordinator’s perception of the intern’s overall performance.

  3. The contents of evaluation instruments completed by the intern, the Site Coordinator and the Internship Director. These instruments are designed to assess: 

  • general professionalism with respect to the Code of Ethics.

  •  competencies and skills related to ACEND's Competency Statements. 


Evaluation of Professional Performances 

Evaluation of the intern’s performance will be primarily the responsibility of the Site Coordinator. The intern will receive feedback using evaluations and conferences when needed. Preceptors also give feedback during rotations.
Links to evaluations can be found in learning hub for interns and preceptors. 
It is the responsibility of the intern to submit all evaluation/rubric forms to the Internship Director within 5 days following the completion of the evaluation. 

15. Retention and Remediation Policy

The Internship is committed to help prepare each intern to acquire the necessary skills to become an entry-level dietitian.  
All interns are expected to demonstrate the knowledge competencies of the DPD curriculum and to learn and successfully meet the required Internship competencies.  In the event that an intern is not performing to the required expectations; the intern will meet with the Internship director and site coordinator. Together they will discuss a plan of improvement including options for support and or tutoring and he/she will be placed on probation. Formal documentation will be completed.  The probation period and conditions will be determined by the Internship Director.  At the end of the probation period the performance of the intern will be evaluated by the Internship Director and site coordinator.  If the intern doesn’t pass the probation period, the intern will be terminated.
If you fail to comply with any of the probation conditions during the probation period, the University and hospital shall have the right to terminate your internship immidiately.  If you have satisfactorily met the conditions, you will be permitted to continue with your internship.  If you violate one or more of the probation conditions, the University may, at its discretion, therminate your internship immidiately without providing you another probation period and you will have not successfully completed the internship program. 

The intern will be placed on probation for the following reasons (but not limited to these factors):

  1. Failure to pass two rotations within the food service, clinical, or community sections.

  2. Not following instructions as requested.  

  3. Not following the rules, regulations and procedures of the hospital site.

  4. Not following the rules and regulations of the University.

  5. Unprofessional or unethical conduct.

  6. Repeated absenteeism or tardiness.


16. Discipline and Termination Policy

Every effort will be made by the Internship Director to maintain a satisfactory relationship between the intern and the facility. It is the privilege of the intern to share in this relationship and to contribute to its maintenance. 
Termination of an intern's experience must be initially recommended by the site coordinator or the Internship Director to his/her respective department director or chairperson. The decision to terminate the intern is made by the Internship Director. 
An intern may be terminated if the retention and remediation policy is not followed by the intern.  
Interns may be disciplined by:
1) Probation for a period and with conditions determined by the Internship Director.
2) Suspension for a time commensurate with the offense.
3) Termination from the program (see below).
Interns may be terminated from the program for the following causes:
1) Repeated poor performance.
2) Not following instructions as requested.
3) Repeated absenteeism or tardiness.
4) Unprofessional or unethical conduct or violating the policies of the internship as set forth in this document or the intern’s signed contract.
5) Two rotation failures within the food service, clinical, or community sections.
6) Non-payment of tuition.
7) Failure to pass drug screen or background check.
8) Other reasons as set forth in the signed contract.
Grievance for removal from the AUDI must be initiated within 90 days of dismissal from the program.  

17. Graduation and /or DI Program Completion Requirement Policy

Program graduates are expected to complete*: 
A. Complete the required 1016 supervised practice hours.
B. Complete a graduate degree to receive a verification statement.
C. Satisfactory completion of all rotations and achievement of entry level competency in all rotations. 
D. Pass the four online practice tests that are administered throughout the internship to help prepare for the RD exam. In the event that the intern does not pass all four tests, the intern will be required to take a formal review at their own expense, and pass the CDR practice exam. 
E. Completion of the Address Verification Form.
F. Complete all required CDR forms.
G. Financial obligations to the Program must be paid in full. 
H. Beginning January 1, 2024, DI program graduates will issued a DI verification statement, upon completion of all program requirements, including proof of a graduate degree.
Prior to January 1, 2024, interns who successfully complete the dietetic internship will be issued a verification statement by the Internship Director. This form confirms the completion of the supervised practice requirements of the program and provides the intern with eligibility to write the registration examination administered by the Commission on Dietetic Registration.*
It is expected that the program requirements will be completed within 13.5 (150% of the planned internship time) months of the program start date. Failure to complete program requirements within 13.5 months of the program start date will lead to terminations in the program unless a specific alternative plan is agreed upon between the intern and the Internship Director. 
, a graduate degree will be the minimum degree requirement for those seeking to become eligible for the registration examination for dietitians. In order to be approved for registration examination eligibility with a bachelor’s degree, an individual must meet all eligibility requirements and be submitted into CDR’s Registration Eligibility Processing System (REPS) before 12:00 midnight CT, December 31, 2023.
Interns who successfully complete the dietetic internship and have graduated with a graduate degree will be issued a verification statement by the Internship Director. This form confirms the completion of the supervised practice requirements of the program, a graduate degree and provides the intern with eligibility to write the registration examination administered by the Commission on Dietetic Registration.
It is expected that the program requirements will be completed within 24 months of the program start date. Failure to complete program requirements within 24 months of the program start date will lead to terminations in the program unless a specific alternative plan is agreed upon between the intern and the Internship Director.

18. Verification Statement Policy

It is the policy of the Internship to issue verification statements to all interns who have:

  1. Successfully completed the 1016 documented hours of supervised practice.

  2. Complete a .

  3. Completed all required assignments.

  4. Completed all section online exams and the exit exam with a score of 80% or better. If the intern does not pass one of the exams, the intern will need to complete an RD review and pass the CDR pratice exam.

  5. Returned any and all borrowed resources and turned in original copies of all rotation documents in a completed portfolio. Verifications will be mailed to the intern’s permanent address approximately 3 weeks after program completion when all files have been verified.

  6. Once all the above requirements are met, the internship director or assistant will send 5 signed originals of the Verification Statement or email an electronic signed copy to the intern. Original signed copies or an electronic  of the verification statements remain on file at AU indefinitely.  


19. Intern Conduct Policy

Interns who enroll at 日韩AV are expected to maintain and contribute to the high standards of honor, integrity, morality, and consideration for others in personal behavior, and to accept the responsibilities of membership in the academic community.
The 日韩AV Intern Handbook contains a full description of the standards of conduct expected of the intern.  The intern will be oriented to the hospital’s standards, policies, and procedures during the internship orientation.
Interns are to adhere to the administrative policies, standards, and practices of both the hospital and 日韩AV while completing the internship.  The intern is expected to be familiar with the policies of 日韩AV contained in the 日韩AV Student Handbook (which can be found in the 日韩AV Bulletin hard copy or at the 日韩AV website https://cmspreview.andrews.edu/services/studentlife/handbook/). Failure to adhere to these policies, standards and practices may be cause for dismissal from the program.

20. Personal Appearance Policy

A professional appearance must be projected by interns at all times through their dress and grooming. The personal appearance of 日韩AV Interns contributes greatly to the program’s image and success. Professional attire is required.*
  1. Clothing is to be neat, clean, in good condition, and properly fitted. Women may wear a dress, business suit, a (dress) pants suit, or a blouse and skirt or slacks, with or without a jacket. Hosiery should also be worn at all times with non-open-toed business shoes. Men may wear a suit, or a sports coat with dress slacks with a dress shirt and tie, or dress shirt and slacks. Socks and business footwear are also a requirement. Tennis shoes or open toed shoes are not allowed. Examples of inappropriate clothing include athletic T-shirts, halter tops, tank tops, walking shorts, leotards, denim jeans, sundresses, backless or low-cut blouses, miniskirts or dresses of inappropriate length, and sheer apparel.

  2. The internship name badge should be worn with the name visible while working.

  3. Hair should be neat and clean, and in a conservative style. Beards and mustaches should neatly trimmed and of moderate length. Hair restraint must be worn while in the kitchen for any foodservice or clinical rotations. In addition, food service rotations may not allow jewelry, nail polish or artificial nails to be worn.

  4. Cologne and perfume should not be worn in the event of working with patients or clients who have allergies.

  5. Wearing jewelry requiring piercing of body parts other than ear lobes is prohibited.

  6. Fingernails must be clean and trimmed. Nail polish, if worn, should not be cracked or chipped.

  7. Wearing of enhanced and/or artificial fingernails is prohibited.

  8. If lab coats are required, they should be cleaned and pressed and worn over professional street clothing.

  9. Interns are also to abide by any additional dress rules imposed by the facility in which they are working. Excessive jewelry is inappropriate, and safety precautions should be taken especially when working in the foodservice management rotations.

  10. Interns must set an example of adherence to all site policies and procedures. Interns should obtain information regarding attire and protocols prior to arriving at each site. 

*Professional attire standards are subject to the needs of the facility*

21. Medical Leave of Absence Policy

Request for medical leave must be approved by the Internship Director. Documentation of the medical condition will be required. If a medical leave of absence is taken, the intern must agree to re-enter the program at a time when the Internship Director can schedule the intern for remaining rotations. Medical leave for more than one year will result in forfeiture of the internship slot and tuition.

22. Confidentiality of Medical Records Policy


Remember that you must keep confidential all information that you receive at the facilities regarding a particular patient and his or her family. Failure to do so can result in dismissal from the program. Do not discuss patients in public areas such as cafeterias, elevators, restrooms, etc.  A medical record or chart is a legal document that can be used as evidence in a court of law.  Documentation must follow the guidelines outlined by the facility. Interns will follow the standards as set forth in HIPPA at all times.  


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23. Chats Policy

Once a month during the internship (September to April) each student is required to log onto Zoom (which is free and can be downloaded ) for a 30 minute group chat. This chat session will be divided into 2 sessions – one from 7:00pm-7:30pm EST (for interns in Florida, Georgia, and Texas), and one from 7:35pm-8:05pm EST (for interns in Ohio, Michigan, Chicago, and Indiana) on the first Tuesday of each month. Valuable information is discussed during this time. Also, the progress of the interns is monitored. All interns are expected to actively participate in the chat session in a meaningful way. It is required of all interns to participate in at least 6 monthly chats (there will be 7 total). Just being logged on does not qualify as actively participating. Logging on to Zoom more than 10 minutes late will be considered an absence. Unexcused absences from the Zoom monthly chat will jeopardize the successful completion of the internship. 

24. Bi-Weekly Reports Policy

Every other week of the internship a Bi-Weekly Report is to be completed by the intern and submitted on LearningHub for the Internship Director on the following Monday.
  1. All competencies met during that week are to be listed.

  2. Activities are to be described in the appropriate section. 

  3. Hours in professional work settings and in alternate practice activities, such as simulation, case studies and role playing are to be documented.

  4. Interns are encouraged to share their candid comments regarding the competencies and the activities that they have participated in, and any concerns they may have regarding the Internship.

  5. Interns must turn in at least 18 weekly reports to successfully complete the Internship. 

  6.  The FILE name of the weekly report should be saved as "Weekly Report #_Last Name, First Initial"

If students are required to locate their own experiential learning sites/supervised practice sites and/or preceptors, requirements for this must be described.

25. Equitable Treatment Policy

The 日韩AV Dietetic Internship Supports Equitable treatment of interns and supports the Andrews University Notice of Non-Discrimination and Equal Opportunity policy as stated below:

日韩AV does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, religion, age, veteran status, gender identity or expression, or sexual orientation in its programs and activities as required by Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and other applicable statutes and University policies.

In addition the dietetic internship supports the diverse needs of interns, ensure an inclusive environment, and ensure equitable treatment by program faculty and preceptors of interns from all backgrounds, including race, ethnicity, national origin, gender/gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, disability, size, socioeconomic status and age.

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26. Supervised Practice Sites

The supervised experiential learning sites must be conducive to learning and be able to provide experiences to meet specific accreditation required competencies. Preferred preceptors at the facility are Registered Dietitian Nutritionists or qualified preceptor based on experience or education. If the preceptor is not an RDN then it is important that their expertise, training & background reflect the requirements and demands of their position, making them appropriate and qualified preceptors to teach interns entry level RDN competence. Once a site is determined appropriate  based on qualifications, availability and interest an affiliation agreement is established.
Interns evaluate supervised practice preceptors and sites that are one week or more.

The DI Director reviews supervised practice sites and preceptors continually as they are used, and at minimum annually, to evaluate the adequacy and appropriateness of a site based on learning experiences of the intern and intern feedback. If the DI Director determines that the supervised site and/or preceptor is no longer adequate to provide experiences needed to acheive intern competencies, the DI Director will no longer utilize the facility or preceptor. 

The DI Director arranges the supervised practice sites unless the interns wants a specific facility. The DI Director may ask the intern to assist with contacts if a site is disrupted due to a staffing change or other circumstance.

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27. Distance Requirements

We require each student have a laptop, zoom video conferencing platform on laptop for communication with interns and DI Director meeting, and a reliable transportation to travel to and from internship sites.

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28. Online Exams

Exams are required to be proctored by your internship facility, DI Director or assistant, the 日韩AV Distance Learning Proctor, or other proctor approved by your dietetic internship  director.

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