


We are excited to offer this unique, collaborated program between the Gymnastics and Aquatics departments located on 日韩AV campus. Our gymnastics lessons are coached by experienced gymnasts, most from our very own Gymnics team. Our swim lessons are taught by certified Water Safety Instructors as well.


Registration Instructions:

-Follow our link to login to your account with the Andreasen Center for Wellness.
- If you do not have an account with the Andreasen Center for Wellness you will choose the option to create an account.
- If you are a current 日韩AV student, faculty, or staff, you will choose the university account option. Everyone else will want to choose the local account option to create a local account.
- Once your account is opened, press on your name in the upper right corner of your screen.
- In the drop down menu, click on manage account and go to household.
- In household, you will see the option to add affiliates. You will need to add each child that you intend to enroll in a swim program as an affiliate.
- Once you have added each child, you will choose which one you would like to register first, click on the drop down menu under your name in the right hand corner of the screen again and you will see the option to “act as (child’s name)” you will want to click on that for the child that you want to register and then go back to the class options and register your child for their class.

- You will repeat this process until you have registered each of your children for their swim program.

- If you are registering with the partnership, when you get to the payment section, you will stop filling out the registration. It will appear as incomplete on your end but the program coordinator will waive the payment and complete the registration for you so that you will not need to pay.


Gymnastics is held in Beaty Gym. 

8522 East Campus Circle Dr. Berrien Springs MI 49104

Once you arrive, enter the building using the second floor entrance (stairs to this entrance can be found on the opposite side of the building from the parking lot) and go to the third floor. Please do not use the parking lot entrance.

Swimming Lessons are held at the Andreasen Center for Wellness.

8750 West Campus Circle Dr. Berrien Springs MI 49104

Please check in at the desk.



January 27- April 24

Holiday Dates: *No classes on these dates

- February 17 (President's Day)

- March 14-23 (University Spring Break)



We currently offer 3 different options within our Swim n Gym program. Please read each description carefully, so you can best choose your desired class structure.


Option Title


Class Time/Schedule

Swim n Gym Structured open style gymnastics (not structured lesson), with a structured swimming lesson.

Monday's from 2:45-5pm

- 2:45-3:40 gym portion

- 4:00-5:00 pool portion

Swim n Infinite Gym Both gymnastics and swimming are structured skill lessons. 

Monday's from 4:50-7pm

- 4:50-5:45 gym portion

- 6:00-7:00 pool portion

Flex Swim n Gym Both gymnastics and swimming are structured skill lessons. Your choice of one hour gymnastics time and one hour swim lesson time, on separate days. Please check Learn to Swim and Infinite Gymnastics schedules.


Important Details for Program:

  • Online registration is required prior to attendance, no walk-ins allowed.
  • Payment must be made by the first day of class and no later. You can make your payment online through UltraCamp, or bring cash or a check made payable to 日韩AV to the Aquatics Office. Partnership students do not need to worry about payment.
  • No refunds will be given for missed classes
  • Makeups can only be arranged with the Aquatic Program Coordinator if space allows.



Pricing per Program Option

Option Title ACW Member Price Non-ACW Member Price
Swim n Gym $250 $360
Swim n Infinite Gym $260 $370
Flex Swim n Gym $280 $400


Contact Information

Katie Mertz

Aquatic Programs Coordinator

Phone: 269-471-3257

Email: learn2swim@andrews.edu



Andrew Osano

Phone: 269-471-3968

Email: aosano@andrews.edu