
Tuition Calculator

Costs are for Fall 2025 through Summer 2026.

DISCLAIMER: The figures used in this Tuition Calculator are estimates only. Tuition costs are subject to change and your actual financial aid award may vary. Please allow for fluctuations in course registration and aid eligibility.

How many credits do you plan to take?

  Fall Semester Spring Semester Summer Semester
Undergraduate See a financial advisor
Seminary, Doctoral
Distance Education

Where do you plan to live?

Meal plan

Meals will cost: $3127.00 per semester if you check that you are living in the dorm.

Would you like a bookstore account?

Will you need health insurance?

What financial aid are you expecting?

Free Aid

Loans are subject to origination fees.


These numbers are estimated and some classes have extra fees.

DISCLAIMER: The figures used in this Tuition Calculator are estimates only. Tuition costs are subject to change and your actual financial aid award may vary. Please allow for fluctuations in course registration and aid eligibility.

Plan Payment(s) receipted on or before Applicable Fees (if any) Payment Amount
Fall / Spring in advance
3% rebate
8/15/2025 None
Fall in advance
1% rebate
8/15/2025 None
Spring in advance
1% rebate
12/15/2025 None
Installment Plan: Fall 60% - 8/15/2025
remainder is financed & due on 9/25/2025, 10/25/2025, 11/25/2025
$25 late payment fee if payment received after 25th of each month
Installment Plan: Spring 60% - 12/15/2025
remainder is financed & due on 2/25/2026, 3/25/2026, 4/25/2026
$25 late payment fee if payment received after 25th of each month
Summer Payment is due at registration None