
2020-2021 Funded Student Researchers

FRG – Faculty Research Grants, IPA – Institute for the Prevention of Addictions, NASA – National Aeronautics and Space Administration, NSF- National Science Foundation.

Avetik Badalyan (Tiffany Summerscales, Physics), BayesWave as a classifier of gravitational wave detector data, FRG.
Donna Campbell (David Sedlacek, Discipleship), Male spouses and female pastors: Stressors and coping strategies, FRG.
Natalie Dorland (Kenley Hall, Christian Ministry), Pilot case studies of NAD churches who are attracting and keeping young adults (18-30), FRG.
Stephen Eccles (Duane McBride, Social & Behavioral Sciences), Institute for the Prevention of Addictions Research, IPA.
Colton Hodges (Oystein LaBianca, Social & Behavioral Sciences), The Great Acceleration, FRG.
Jonathan Homan (Jay Johnson, Engineering), Identifying Causal Relationships in Stellar activity Cycle Dynamics, NASA.
Justine Jaeger (Harvey Burnett, Social & Behavioral Sciences), An Examination of the Proactive and Reactive Resilience Pathways: Expanding Our Understanding of Psychological Body Armor, FRG.
Joshua Katsuren (Tiffany Summerscales, Physics), BayesWave as a classifier of gravitational wave detector data, FRG.
Noah Koliadko (Tiffany Summerscales, Physics), BayesWave as a classifier of gravitational wave detector data, FRG.
Clara Kolinek (Harvey Burnett, Social & Behavioral Sciences), An Examination of the Proactive and Reactive Resilience Pathways: Expanding Our Understanding of Psychological Body Armor, FRG.
Mykhaylo Malakhov (Shandelle Henson, Mathematics), RUI Collaborative Research: Climate Change, Cannibalism, and reproductive Synchrony: The Effect of Food Shortages on Life History Strategies of marine Organisms, NSF.
Wesley Martin (Jay Johnson, Engineering), Identifying Causal Relationships in Stellar activity Cycle Dynamics, NASA.
Devon McClain (Shandelle Henson, Mathematics), RUI Collaborative Research: Climate Change, Cannibalism, and reproductive Synchrony: The Effect of Food Shortages on Life History Strategies of marine Organisms, NSF.
Alex Navarro (Tiffany Summerscales, Physics), BayesWave as a classifier of gravitational wave detector data, FRG.
Adrian Negrea (Oliver Glanz, Old Testament), Making Biblical Hebrew students learn the Hebrew Language - not the Hebrew Bible, FRG.
Mabio Ramos Coelho Neto (Oliver Glanz, Old Testament), Making Biblical Hebrew students learn the Hebrew Language - not the Hebrew Bible, FRG.
Yosia Nurhan (Shandelle Henson, Mathematics), RUI Collaborative Research: Climate Change, Cannibalism, and reproductive Synchrony: The Effect of Food Shortages on Life History Strategies of marine Organisms, NSF.
Yosia Nurhan (Jay Johnson, Engineering), Identifying Causal Relationships in Stellar activity Cycle Dynamics, NASA.
Carson O’Ffill (Jay Johnson, Engineering), Identifying Causal Relationships in Stellar activity Cycle Dynamics, NASA.
Joo Ryung Oh (Shandelle Henson, Mathematics), RUI Collaborative Research: Climate Change, Cannibalism, and reproductive Synchrony: The Effect of Food Shortages on Life History Strategies of marine Organisms, NSF.
David Ortiz (Marianne Kordas, Music), The Blythe Owen Project, Facets I & II: Creating a Critical Edition of the Sonata for Violin and Piano and Completing Transcriptions of the Owen Correspondence in CAR Collection 186, FRG.
Ivan Rachath (Marianne Kordas, Music), The Blythe Owen Project, Facets I & II: Creating a Critical Edition of the Sonata for Violin and Piano and Completing Transcriptions of the Owen Correspondence in CAR Collection 186, FRG.
Malachi Regis (Harvey Burnett, Social & Behavioral Sciences), An Examination of the Proactive and Reactive Resilience Pathways: Expanding Our Understanding of Psychological Body Armor, FRG.
Kara Shepard (Tiffany Summerscales, Physics), BayesWave as a classifier of gravitational wave detector data, FRG.
Jonathan Swerdlow (Hyun Kwon, Engineering), RUI: Development of a Portable ECL Immunosensor with Mobile Technologies, NSF.
Tsz Yi Yeung (Tiffany Summerscales, Physics), BayesWave as a classifier of gravitational wave detector data, FRG.