
External Funding

The Office of Research & Creative Scholarship is proactive in supporting faculty in identifying funding sources and preparing effective proposals for external support. 

The Office of Research & Creative Scholarship team will facilitate in every way possible the development of winning proposals to these external agencies. We have listed a few links to external granting sites and encourage individuals to research other sources of funding from Foundations and other external agencies. Items that are starred (*) are highly recommended by our office. 

Our office also sponsors attendance at regional grant writing workshops. Please contact the Research office if you would like assistance finding appropriate grant training. 

View List of Field-Specific External Grants

View External Student Grants

External Grant Agencies & Lists

  • is an online database of grantmakers that can be searched by field of interest for appropriate grants. Andrews faculty and students can access the database by going to the Library Webpage->Articles/Databases-> Foundation Directory Online. By clicking on "Grantmakers" and then "Field of Interest," you can narrow the search by topic.
  • is your source to find and apply for federal grants.
  • (NEH) is an independent grant-making agency of the United States government dedicated to supporting research, education, preservation, and public programs in the humanities
  • (NIH) funds research in health related subjects
  • (NIJ) funds grants relating to crimes and prevention, law enforcement, etc
  • (NSF) funds grants for science research
  • (USDA) funds grants for agriculture related projects
  •  IEE is an independent non-profit that funds international education and research for students, faculty, and professionals
  • funds grants relating to health 
  • y Brandeis University has a directory of external grants listed by field
  • provides an excellent list of resources as well as a substantial  listed by subject
  • claims to be the "only funding opportunity database and recommendation service built by academics for researchers"
  •  is a practical online grants resource 
  •  is the site for the Open Education Database. They have a post for "100+ Places to Find Funding for Your Research"
  •  is a grants funding website that lists Michigan-specific grants
  •  has a searchable database of funding opportunities

Also check with Office of Development for information on Foundations and other services provided: http://www.andrews.edu/services/development

Grant Writing Resources

  •  provide a variety of services including webinars, consultations, and assistance in proposal development
  •  offers webinars that aid researchers in improving their grant writing
  • The common grant application format is used by a variety of grantmakers to allow applicants to produce a single application for a specific group of funders
  •  Vernier Software and Technology's Guide to Funding Educational Technology Initiatives
  •  is a guide to finding funding for projects related to healthy food access
  • * is a step-by step overview of how NSF funding works and what kinds of information the NSF is looking for in grant proposals
  • is written by S. Joseph Levine of Michigan State University and provides helpful writing tips and examples
  •  is the 2018 guide for the National Science Foundation 
  • lists sample documents such as budgets, letter of inquiry, etc.
  •  is a simple click-thru course designed by the Foundation Center
  •  is a comprehensive guide for those who have little to no experience in writing proposals
  • is an excellent resource for writing NIH Grants, conference abstracts, and more

Articles on Grants and Grant Writing

  •  by Robert Porter (University of Tennessee)
  •  by Kenneth T. Henson (The Citadel)
  •  by the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Writing Center
  •  and  by the University of Iowa
  • by Lisa Patrick Bentley (University of Arizona)
  •  by Jack Kraicer (former Director of Research Grants at HFSP)
  •  by George Hazelrigg (National Science Foundation)
  • is a quick guide to Grant agencies produced by Academic Research Funding Strategies
  •  by Elizabeth Byrom (SouthEast and Islands Regional Technology and Education Consortium)


  • offers webinars and workshops as well as proposal reviews.
  •  offers grant writing and grant management workshops.



Project Evaluation

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  • *

Media on Grants