
2018 Siegfried H. Horn Award for Excellence in Research and Creative Scholarship

Stanley Patterson
Professor of Christian Ministry
Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary

Stanley E. Patterson joined the Department of Christian Ministry at the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary in 2008, quickly establishing himself as a much-beloved professor, thorough researcher, prolific writer, and capable department chair who practices what he preaches, modeling servant leadership to students and colleagues alike.

In an environment known for demanding proficiency of its professors in the areas of teaching, service and scholarship, Stanley has demonstrated his acumen in all three domains. In 2015, he received the Daniel A. Augsburger Excellence in Teaching Award. His service to the Adventist church spans 41 years: he has served as a pastor, ministerial director, vice president for pastoral ministry and evangelism, university professor, and highly sought-after presenter at many venues worldwide.

During his eight years as chair of the Department of Christian Ministry, he made himself constantly accessible to both students and faculty, dispensing wisdom and facilitating the growth of the department.

Stanley has successfully engaged in a vast amount of research. Among his research activities since his arrival at the Seminary are 14 professional, journal-refereed articles, 16 book reviews in academic and professional publications, 28 scholarly and professional papers, three scholarly panel participations, and three refereed book chapters.