
The Honors Council

The Honors Council is a group of administrators and faculty members who determine academic policies for the program and evaluate Honors Thesis proposals and presentations.

Sonia Badenas, badenas@andrews.edu                              L. Monique Pittman, pittman@andrews.edu

Karl Bailey, kgbailey@andrews.edu                                      Davide Sciarabba, sciarabb@andrews.edu

Kylene Cave, kylene@andrews.edu                                      Karin Thompson, karint@andrews.edu

Vanessa Corredera, correder@andrews.edu                      Rhonda Tomenko, rtomenko@andrews.edu

Ryan Hayes, hayesr@andrews.edu                                       Ackley Will, willa@andrews.edu

Katherine Koudele, koudelej@andrews.edu                      Robert Zdor, zdor@andrews.edu

Benjamin Navia, bnavia@andrews.edu

Student Representatives

Yoel Kim and Nora Martin