
MAPM Curriculum

The MA in Pastoral Ministry degree requires students take a total of 48 credits:


Practical & Applied Theology  (12)

PATH (3) Offered only during the summer on Andrews campus and        recommended to be taken with DSRE 541 .
PATH (3)
PATH (3)
PATH (3)

Church History (6)



Discipleship and Lifespan Education (9)

(3) Offered only during the summer on Andrews campus*


New Testament (6)

Choose one of the following courses:
NTST 535 Studies in the Pauline Writings (3)
NTST 536 Studies in the Gospels (3)
NTST 537 Studies in Acts and General Epistles (3)
NTST 538 Studies in Hebrews (3)
NTST 539 Studies in Revelation (3)

Old Testament (6)

Choose one of the following courses:
Choose one of the following courses:
OTST 546 Studies in Daniel (3)
OTST 556 Studies in Prophets (English) (3)
OTST 566 Studies in the Pentateuch (English) (3)

Theology and Christian Philosophy (6)


Choose one of the following:
Systematic Theology course (topic options) (3)
Historical Theology course (topic options) (3)


World Mission (3)

*These classes are also taught in Canada

Total Credits for the MA Degree:48