
Meet the Office Team

Meet the Office Team

Joshua Baltazar

Service Systems Architect
Office of Academic Administration
Meet the Office Team

Anneris Coria-Navia

Associate VP for Assessment and Accreditation & Chief Learning Officer
Meet the Office Team

Delbee Dalton

Executive Assistant to VP of Academic Administration
Office of Academic Administration
Meet the Office Team

Paulette Johnson

Community Engagement
Meet the Office Team

Amy Rosenthal

Dean of
Undergraduate Education
Meet the Office Team

Matias Soto

Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Meet the Office Team

Alayne Thorpe

Dean of
Graduate Studies
Meet the Office Team

Joydel Trail

Career Services

Guru Uppala

Developmental Education Specialist
Office of Academic Administration
Meet the Office Team

Aimee Vitangcol Regoso

Assistant to the President for Systems and Operations