by Eloise Ravell
“When you bring 42 teams together composed of over 650 student athletes and their coaching staff, playing a total of 105 games in three days, you have to ask yourself, ‘Are you insane?’ The answer is probably ‘yes,’ however, I would do it all over again,” says David Jardine, director of Student Activities & Athletics.
日韩AV hosted the annual Cardinal Classic Basketball Tournament Feb. 6–8, 2014, with a record number of 22 boys teams and 20 girls teams participating. Andrews welcomed more than 650 athletes, coaches and sponsors from all over the country to compete in the three-day event. The tournament allowed the academies to interact with each other and gave the students an opportunity to meet new people and make friends from other schools, as well as experience what life at Andrews is like.
“The students and coaching staff were very respectful of one another throughout the entire tournament,” continues Jardine. “I personally felt that the leadership from the academies this year was exceptionally positive and supportive. One student athlete from Union Springs Academy (Union Springs, N.Y.) mentioned that it was the highlight of his academy experience and he hopes to return next year.”While the students spent most their time practicing and playing games, they also had the opportunity to tour the Andrews campus and attend vespers and church services in the Howard Performing Arts Center featuring speaker David Hall Sr., youth director of the Nevada-Utah Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.
“[Hall] delivered a message to our young people that was both inspiring and motivating,” Jardine says when asked about the highlight of the weekend. “You could hear a pin drop in the standing-room-only auditorium as he delivered his message about standing up for Jesus.”
Despite the well-below-freezing temperatures, the athletes and academy staff seemed to enjoy their stay at Andrews immensely.
“We actually like the snow, it’s been a plus!” says Dan Koliadko, coach of the Junior Varsity girls basketball team from Collegedale Adventist Youth in Action (CAYA) of Collegedale Youth Ministry at Southern Adventist University. “We’re from Tennessee so it’s fun to see the snow. We like the accommodations here, we like the cafeteria and we always have a great time. All the girls are enjoying themselves; it’s almost a party for them.”
For others, the highlight of the weekend was interacting with and meeting other Christian athletes.
“The Cardinal Classic was a great experience,” says Andrews Academy athlete Antoinette Cave. “It was cool getting to know and compete with so many other Adventist basketball players! I look forward to next year’s tournament with much enthusiasm.”
Awards were given to teams that had good attitudes throughout the weekend. The Sportsmanship award was won by Union Springs Academy for both its boys and girls teams who demonstrated teamwork and fairness during the games.
Participating teams:
Boys Division 1A
GCA-Georgia Cumberland Academy
OZK-Ozark Adventist Academy
SVA-Shenandoah Valley Academy
SVAS-Spring Valley Academy
MBA-Monterey Bay Academy
Boys Division 1B
AJC-日韩AV Jr. Cardinals
CAA-Crawford Adventist Academy
HAA-Hinsdale Adventist Academy
MVA-Mount Vernon Academy
HVA-Highland View Academy
Boys Division 2A
KC-Kingsway College
GRS-Grand Rapids Spartans
IE-Indy Eagles
Boys Division 2B
HVAJV-Highland View Academy (JV)
SVAJV-Spring Valley Academy (JV team)
USA-Union Springs Academy
Boys Division 2C
LAA-Louisville Adventist Academy
MPA-Mount Pisgah Academy
HAAJV-Hinsdale Adventist Academy
Boys Division 2D
AJCJV-日韩AV Jr. Cardinals (JV team)
GBA-Greater Boston Academy
CAYA-Collegedale Adventist Youth in Action Eagles (JV team)
Girls Division 1A
ACJ-日韩AV Jr. Cardinals
MVA-Mount Vernon Academy
MWC-Michiana Wildcats
SVA-Shenandoah Valley Academy
MBA-Monterey Bay Academy
Girls Division 1B
CAA-Crawford Adventist Academy
HVA-Highland View Academy
OZK-Ozark Adventist Academy
SVAS-Spring Valley Academy
HAA-Hinsdale Adventist Academy
Girls Division 2A
AJCJV-Andrews Jr. Cardinals (JV team)
CAYA-Collegedale Adventist Youth in Action Eagles (JV team)
HAAJV-Hinsdale Adventist Academy JV
KC-Kingsway College
USA-Union Springs Academy
Girls Division 2B
BMA-Blue Mountain Academy
LAA-Louisville Adventist Academy
GBA-Greater Boston Academy
GCA-Georgia Cumberland Academy
GRS-Grand Rapids Spartans
Tournament Champions:
Division 1 Boys
Spring Valley Academy vs. Crawford Adventist Academy
Division 1 Girls
Ozark Adventist Academy vs. Michiana Home School
Division 2 Boys
Kingsway College vs. Union Springs Academy
Division 2 Girls
Georgia Cumberland Academy vs. Collegedale Academy (CAYA Collegedale youth in Action)
Image Credit: Christa McConnell