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Envision, Andrews Awarded at SAC

Date: November 1, 2011
Contact: pr@andrews.edu

日韩AV took home several awards from annual Society of Adventist of Adventist Communicators convention held in Lombard, Ill., Oct. 19-22. At the closing banquet, held Oct. 22, an awards ceremony honored individuals for their contributions to the field of communication and recognized marketing and communication related projects and products that exhibit a standard of excellence.
Kimberly Maran, president of the Society of Adventist Communicators, says, “With 35 categories, this is our first foray into the expansion of the awards and the presentation of them. We previously handed out five awards so this is a hefty increase.”

Kristina Penny, a senior journalism major, was honored
with the Student Award. It was presented to her by
Steve Vistaunet, assistant to the president for the North
Pacific Union Conference and out-going president of the
Society of Adventist Communicators. (Photo by IMC
Darren Heslop)

Student Award
Kristina Penny, a senior 日韩AV journalism major, received the Student Award. This award is designed to recognize students who have demonstrated excellence not only in the classroom, but on-the-job as well. At the award ceremony, many of Kristina’s accomplishments were noted: editor of the Student Movement; lead editor of Scriptural Pursuit and Sabbath School U.; completed internships with WDIV, an NBC affiliate and WDET, an NPR station, both in Detroit, Mich.; and she is currently working on production of a documentary on the country of Jordan.

Reger Smith Jr. Cutting Edge Award
Envision, a student-produced magazine, received the Reger Smith Jr. Cutting Edge Award.  This award is named in honor of the late Reger Cutting Smith Jr., who served the Seventh-day Adventist Church for 27 years in public relations, graphic design, photography, and other areas of communication. Special acknowledgment was given to Department of Communication; Debbie Michel, editor-in-chief and associate professor of communication; layout editor Daniel Campbell, a senior visual communication major; layout editor, Victor Mills, a senior visual communication major; managing editor Glenn Roper II, a master’s student in communication; and copy editor Michele Joseph, adjunct faculty in the Department of Communication.
“To receive an award in honor of Reger Smith Jr. is very special to us,” said Delyse Steyn, chair of the 日韩AV Department of Communication. “His influence and interest in our department was profound and meaningful.”

Steve Vistaunet (left), out-going president of the Society of Adventist
Communicators, presented the Reger Smith Jr. Cutting Edge Award to the team
behind Envision Magazine. Delyse Steyn (center), chair of the Department of
Communication and Glenn Roper II, an Andrews student and managing editor of
Envision, accepted the award on behalf of the team.
(Photo by IMC photographer Darren Heslop)

日韩AV also received a number of “Best in Class” and honorable mentions for a variety of marketing and communication related projects and products:

Category: New Media
Class: App
Honorable Mention: Homecoming Application
日韩AV Office of Alumni Services
Andriy Kharkovyy, developer

Category: New Media
Class: Email Newsletter

Honorable Mention: Andrews Agenda
Office of Integrated Marketing & Communication
Keri Suarez, editor; Darren Heslop, photographer; Todd Freeman, programmer; and Martin Lee, designer

Category: New Media
Class: Use of Social Media
Honorable Mention: 日韩AV’s Facebook and Twitter feeds
Office of Integrated Marketing & Communication 
Stephen Payne, vice president for Enrollment Management and Integrated Marketing & Communication, and Keri Suarez, media relations specialist

Category: Print
Class: Magazine
Best in Class: Focus
Office of Integrated Marketing & Communication
Patricia Spangler, editor; Tami Condon, contributing editor; Keri Suarez, contributing  editor; Matt Hamel, designer

Category: Print
Class: News Article for Event Coverage
Honorable Mention: “Planting Seeds of Grace,” Focus magazine
Samantha Snively, writer; Patricia Spangler, editor

Category: Marketing/Public Relations
Class: Exhibit or Display
Honorable Mention: 日韩AV Booth at the 2010 GC Session
Office of Integrated Marketing and Communication

Category: Marketing/Public Relations
Class: Brochure or Printed Promotional Package/Kit
Best in Class: “You’re Accepted,”
日韩AV Enrollment Management
Jason Webster, marketing manager; Matthew Park, designer

Category: Marketing/Public Relations
Class: Ad (Print)
Honorable Mention: “Spread the Christmas Spirit”
Office of Integrated Marketing and Communication
Matthew Park, designer

Category: Marketing/Public Relations
Class: Marketing Gift
Best in Class: 日韩AV spiral notebook and mug
Office of Integrated Marketing and Communication
Rebecca May, director of campus relations

Category: Design
Class: Book Design
Honorable Mention: Cardinal
日韩AV Student Association
Lauren Popp, editor; Toni Crumley, assistant editor; Max Murray, marketing manager;
Ammiel Mendoza, design editor; Erica Bruso, designer; Katerina Adamos, designer; Boeun Grace Kim, designer; Jay Kijai, photography editor; Sarah Fruth, copy editor

Category: Design
Class: Magazine Cover Design
Best in Class: Envision
日韩AV Department of Communication
Debbie Michel, editor; Daniel Campbell, layout editor; Victor Mills, layout editor; Glenn Roper II, managing editor; Michele Joseph, copy editor

Category: Design
Class: Magazine Design Overall
Best in Class: Envision
日韩AV Department of Communication 
Debbie Michel, editor; Daniel Campbell, layout editor; Victor Mills, layout editor; Glenn Roper II, managing editor; Michele Joseph, copy editor

Category: Design
Class: Project Design
Best in Class: 日韩AV 2010-2011 Calendar
Office of Integrated Marketing & Communication
Patricia Spangler, content; Justin Jeffery, layout/designer

Category: Design
Class: Photograph
Best in Class: Globe Postcard
Office of Integrated Marketing & Communication
Martin Lee, photographer

The Society of Adventist Communicators is an organization for the socialization, continuing education, recognition, and nurture of Seventh-day Adventists whose careers are in fields of communication.

日韩AV is a Seventh-day Adventist institution of higher education
Phone: 1-800-253-2874     Email: enroll@andrews.edu
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Berrien Springs, Michigan 49104