
日韩AV Pitch Competition


Welcome to the Andrews Pitch Competition 


What is the Andrews Pitch Competition?

A program that support the business, non-profit, ministry, and project ideas of Andrews students from any degree program, both graduate and undergraduate. This program provides cash awards for a total of $30,000, and business coaching to the top ranked ideas each year.


Important Dates





Info Session 1

Tuesday, September 24 11:30 a.m. Chan Shun Hall, Gaber Auditorium
Deadline to Apply October 20 Midnight
Info Session 2 Tuesday, January 21 11:30 a.m. Chan Shun Hall, Gaber Auditorium
SUnday, February 16 Midnight Email: innovate@andrews.edu
Feedback for Pitch Participants Monday, February 17 7:00-9:00 p.m. Chan Shun Hall, Garber Auditorium
Semi-Finals Wednesday, Feburary 19 9:00-11:00 a.m., 1:00-3:00 p.m. Chan Shun Hall, Garber Auditorium and Whirlpool Rom
Finals Friday, February 21 2:30-4:00 p.m.


Event Sponsors



Interested in being an event sponsor?

Review our sponsorship packages using .

Competition Format

Application Process

  • Your application includes two steps:
    1. Application form, which is  - DUE October 20 at midnight.
    2. Slide deck (presentation):
      • Presentations can only be 9 slides long.
      • Must include all the titles and content suggested in the Template.
      • Colors, fonts can be changed, images, tables, and graphics can be added.
      • NEW template pitch deck is  to open and download.
    • Deadline to submit the slide deck is February 16 at midnight.

Judging Rounds

All presentations will be judged according to the to open and download.

Semi-Final Round:

  • 7 minutes presentation, 4 minutes Q&A from juding panel.
  • Qualified partcipants will present to a judging panel on Wednesday, February 19
  • Judges will select the participants moving on to the next round.
  • Audience attendance is allowed during semi-finalists presentations.

Final Round:

  • Top 7 applications will compete in the final round.
  • Finalists will present in front of a live audience on February 21 at Howard Performing Arts Center.
  • Judges will select the top presentations.
  • Awards will be announced based on judges' scoring.


  • A total amount of about $40,000 of both in-kind and cash awards will be distributed as following:
    • $30,000 in cash grants.
    • $10,000 in-kind awards from our sponsors and Andrews Innovation, including 12 months of Business Coaching for the top 7 teams.
  • Prior to the distribution of the award, the recipient(s) will be required to:
    • Meet with the Director of Innovation & Entrepreneurship to create a budget based on needs and growth plans.
    • Submit a W-9 form to the Office of Innovation & Entrepreneurship.


  • No categories. All participants will be eligible for all awards.


Who can participate?

Open to all undergraduate and graduate students of 日韩AV enrolled for a minimum of 3 credit hours.

Can previous participants join the competition again?

Yes, previous participants are encouraged to submit an application and participate. They are elligible for all awards.

Can previous award recipients participate again?

Yes, previous award recipients are allowed to participate again and receive an award. However, previous award recipients will be expected to have made progress since last receiving funding for their project. They will also need to show why they need additional funding.

Is it necessary to be part of a team to participate?

No, students can apply to participate individually or as part of a team.

Can the same person submit more than one application?

No, only one application per student will be accepted. The same student cannot participate individually and also as part of a team. A student can only be part of one (1) application.

Can international students participate and be eligible for prizes?

Yes, all university students, including international, who attend on-campus can join the competition and be eligible for prizes.

Is the competition only for business majors?

No, the competition is open to all majors.

Can ideas for non-profit organizations participate

Yes, both non-profit and for-profit projects can participate.  The 2024 competition will not divide participants into categories. Rather, all teams will be eligible for all awards.

Are awards taxable?

Yes, recipient(s) will be taxed depending on their visa or residential status. We will provide information ahead of time to all finalists.

Do I need to patent my idea before the competition?

It is not a requirement to patent your idea or product before the competion. However, if you think your product idea could be stolen, you may want to file a provisional patent application with USPTO ($70). If you need more information, contact us at innovate@andrews.edu.

Can the Semi-Finals or Finals presentation be done virtually?

No. Both Semi-Finals and Finals round require all presenters to do so in-person, at the on-campus location, date, and time required.


Congratulations to All the Winners of the 日韩AV Pitch Competition



Pitch Competition Awards
1st Place:
Zahra |Sofiia Ialysheva

2nd Place:
FreshNest | Edd Joseph

3rd Place:
Breaking The Mold Ministry | Devonte Gilchrist

4th Place:
MicroGreens | Parker Muhlenbeck

5th Place:
The Treehouse Initiative | Michael Owusu

6th Place:
Prehtis | Julison de Souza Mendonca

7th Place:
Follower | Ilka Ruiz

Social Innovation Award

FreshNest | Edd Joseph

MicroGreens | Parker Muhlenbeck


2023 Results:

Pitch Competition Awards
1st Place:
Youth Discipleship Mission—Josalynn Clark (MA/Discipleship in Lifespan Educ)

2nd Place:
My Bible Comics—Stanislav Kondrat (DO-PHD/Religion/New Testament)

3rd Place:
Ezekiel-Wheels—Curtis Johnson (Mechanical Engineering)

4th Place:
Refill to Reduce—Gloria Oh (Biology), Ariana Coast (Biology), Sarah Wolf (Biology)

5th Place:
The Lehahkeen Project—Ha Eun Park (Medical Laboratory Science)

6th Place:
MoyoMed LLC—Joseph N. Muhune (MA-MBA/General/Accounting and Finance), Blaise M. Muhune (Computer Science)

7th Place & 8th Place:

Badventism—Nicklas Risager (FP-MDIV/Divinity)

Ready Shield—Staton Westerman (Mechanical Engineering)

Social Innovation Award

Ezekiel-Wheels—Curtis Johnson (Mechanical Engineering)

Refill to Reduce—Gloria Oh (Biology), Ariana Coast (Biology), Sarah Wolf (Biology)


2022 Results:

Non-Profit Category

  • First Place: Yara Project, Nilah Mataafa, Nara Mataafa, Kalyapi Humpal
  • Second Place: Challenge Accepted, Faith Kaluba, Lisa Kamikazi

For-Profit Category

  • First Place: 7th Day Films, Tyler Kern
  • Second Place: Timepiece, Joshua Dulcich, Eric Inae, Matthew Dulcich
  • Third Place: MEVA, Orlando Joseph Totobesola
  • Fourth Place: MikeSpace Studio, Michael Davis

Previous Info Sessions:

2024 Info Session

Info Session 1, January 16, 2024


2023 Info Session

Info Session 1

Tuesday, January 31 11:30 a.m. Garber Auditorium, Chan Shun Hall

2022 Info Sessions

March 8, Buller Hall 108—11:30 a.m.


March 15, Chan Shun Hall, Whirlpool Room—11:30 a.m.

"How to Pitch" Workshop:

March 29, Buller Hall 108—11:30 a.m.