
Cool Tools

There are a wide variety of additional tools and websites that can be used in teaching and learning. The tools listed here are ones that DLiT staff have used and recommend. 

Note: Support for these tools are not necessarily available at all times. Please start by searching Google or YouTube for tutorials.

The James White Library offers a variety of helpful tools:

  •  [in LearningHub] []
  • []
  • – available for each discipline and linked in LearningHub courses. To request revisions, contact your library liaison

Want an alternative to the discussion forum in LearningHub?

  • Padlet [university subscription]
  • (was FlipGrid),  [] 
  • [not free]
  • [not free] []

  • iClicker [limited university subscription]

The university does not have a subscription to these:


  •  - great for easily creating graphics, social media ads, and more

  • - a top 100 list created annually
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