
Gender Equality

The World Bank says that women's empowerment and the promotion of gender equality are the key to achieving long lasting development. Greater gender equality can enhance economic efficiency and improve other development outcomes by removing barriers that prevent women from having the same access as men to human resource endowments, rights, and economic opportunities. Giving women access to equal opportunities allows them to emerge as social and economic actors, influencing and shaping more inclusive policies

Legal Issues


Sex discrimination involves treating someone (an applicant or employee) unfavorably because of that person's sex. It can also involve treating someone less favorably because of his or her connection with an organization or group that is generally associated with people of a certain sex.

This law makes it illegal to pay different wages to men and women if they perform equal work in the same workplace. The law also makes it illegal to retaliate against a person because the person complained about discrimination, filed a charge of discrimination, or participated in an employment discrimination investigation or lawsuit.


—A great example of children before they've grown into adults and have been completely socially engineered and manipulated, generation by generation.

Corporations across Europe share the same problem: discussion on the dramatic gender gap in leadership .

UNICEF aims, through its country programs, to promote and girls and to support their full participation in the political, social and economic development of their communities.

was a prominent American suffragist and civil rights activist. She campaigned against slavery and for women to be given the vote.

The applies the late sociologist Erving Goffman's groundbreaking analysis of advertising to the contemporary commercial landscape, showing how one of American popular culture's most influential forms communicates normative ideas about masculinity and femininity.

This illustrates the misrepresentation of women of influential positions in the U.S.

A Supreme Court Justice’s to ensure women’s rights.

Content provided in part by A’lisa Lashley, Dr. Erich Baumgartner’s Fall 2013 Diversity, Leadership & Culture class (LEAD 689/789).