
A Photographer's Philosophy by Dan Weber

I received my first camera as a gift from my grandfather when I was 16 years old. As a child I became interested in photography when I would visit him and hear stories of traveling the world and seeing his pictures. that first camera was an incredible gift that provided me the opportunity to create my own stories and capture "moments in time" to share with others.

I have been blessed with the privilege of visiting more than 120 countries, and each cultural experience has broadened my appreciation for the world we live in, and the incredible diversity making up our planet. I consider myself truly blessed to see and then share with others.

Photography really is about making a contribution to society. My greatest jooy as a photographer, is finding a unique visual story and making it available to all. Even though the world of photography has changed since the first cameras were invented over 200 years ago, the experience of seeing with the human eye, capturing the scene, and then sharing it is still the same. Photography isn't about cameras and lenses. It's about partaking in the spectacular and exposing it to the the world.

—Sips at C Street Gallery, Laurel, MD, April 4–30, 2021