
Fine Art

Department of Visual Art, Communication & Design
Nethery Hall 224
4141 Administration Drive
(269) 471-6314

Fine Art

The Department of Visual Art, Communication & Design offers two four-year programs resulting in a BFA (Bachelor of Fine Art) with a major in Fine Art or a Bachelor in Art.

The BFA program in Fine Art at 日韩AV focuses on painting and drawing, providing specialized training in a broad array of historical mediums including oils, acrylic, watercolor, graphite, and pastel, as well as courses in ceramics, basic design, printmaking, photography, and color theory. The BFA student is guided to create thoughtful, intentional, personal work that results in a portfolio and BFA exhibition.

The Art BA directs students through a more open course of study that allows for additional layering of academic pathways, such as dual degrees or majors, pre-professional programs, or a major plus a minor. Students are able to choose from a wide array of elective options including art education, art therapy (Art BA plus a minor in psychology), design, photography, video and/or film, or to increase their focus in a particular area within the studio arts such as painting or ceramics. 

Degree Options



Fine Art BFA

The BFA in Fine Art is a professional degree designed for students who want to combine intensive studio art practice with a liberal arts education.

The BFA in Fine Art pursues an intensive course of study in the area of painting or drawing, culminating in the production of a fine art portfolio. Students are encouraged to pursue internships, artist residencies, community art projects, and travel abroad experiences. Examples of internships for the BFA in Fine Art student include working at a museum, art gallery, community art programs, or studying with an independent artist.

日韩AV also offers the opportunity to pursue an Undergraduate Research Grant with a faculty member, allowing them time and grant monies to pursue an independently defined research project.

Full admission to the BFA program is granted upon successful completion of the BFA Review, typically done at the end of a student's sophomore year. BFA students are also required to participate in a senior BFA exhibition which displays the culmination of their most developed work as a result of the Senior Project. 

Career Pathways:

  • Professional artist
  • University professor (MFA required)
  • Museum or gallery curator
  • Exhibition designer
  • Art/creative director
  • Art critic
  • Public art programs coordinator
  • Forensic artist
  • Medical illustrator
  • Production artist
  • Fine art and antique auction cataloger
  • Background designer/2D layout artist
  • Art handler/museum preparator
  • Theater/stage designer
  • Animator
  • Arts administrator
  • Commercial artist
  • Food designer
  • Makeup artist
  • Art supplies sales rep



Art BA

The BA in Art is an academic degree with a broad interdisciplinary program that is well suited for those students who anticipate graduate school either in their related emphasis field, or another area.

The BA in Art student’s interest in art and other educational pursuits are equally as strong, making the degree appropriate for those who wish to integrate other educational pursuits with their visually creative work. The degree also lends itself easily to the combination of multiple majors, minors and pre-professional programs such as pre-art therapy, pre-med, or pre-dent.

Students are strongly encouraged to pursue at least one internship in an area of interest during their undergraduate experience. Examples of internships appropriate for a BA in art are working at a museum, art gallery, business or office, non-profit, youth, public or outreach programs, or with an independent artist.

BA in Art potential career directions:

  • Higher education. MFA typically required for studio art professors. 
  • Art Education 
  • Art Historian. PhD required
  • Art therapist—MA/PhD required
  • Conservationist or preservation—requires specific training such as chemistry 
  • Curator--Advanced degree is recommended. 
  • Arts administrator—MA/MFA usually required
  • Art/creative director (requires graphic design experience)
  • Public arts programs coordinator
  • Appraisal assistant
  • Other potential career directions can include indirect options such as the medical field and dentistry, counseling and psychology, social work, and innovation.