

The Trauma Education Center provides customized trauma informed education on a diverse set of topics. 

Training sessions conducted by our staff and interns, available in English,



Volunteer Training: This training is for all volunteers surrounding trauma awareness, de-escalation, rapport skills and interpersonal skills that support others. Added focus areas can be designed depending on areas of service or needs of the event. Length of training: 2 – 3 hours, longer if needed.

Introduction to Trauma: This presentation provides a general overview to define trauma, signs and symptoms as well as how to help those you are serving who may have experienced trauma. This interactive seminar includes small group discussions, and identifying possible resources for local and national resources. Length of training: as needed, minimum of 1 hour

Suicide Prevention Training: This training is specifically for faith communities to learn about signs, symptoms and responses to suicidal desperation. A diverse collection of training designs also are included for the following communities. Length of training: Minimum of 3 hours

  • Soul Shop: Suicide prevention and resourcing for faith communities to hold conversations surrounding suicidal desperation, offer connection, support and referral resources within the community of presentation locations.
  • QPR: General gatekeeper training to help in facilitating how to ask the Question, Persuade and Refer individuals for follow up care.
  • Custom: Inclusion of professional content surrounding supporting social work and mental health providers with additional information for working with individuals who may struggle with suicidal distress and care support resources for the helpers responding. 

Trauma-Informed Consultation & Implementation Phase I – III:  This 3 phase initiative spans approximately 12 months with an inclusion of supportive consultation, brief educational material tailored to agency needs and assistance with trauma-informed resource content.

Length of training: 3 Phases (span of 12 month)

Other: Trainings can be tailored to specific focus areas and needs. Consult with the International Center for Trauma Education and Care for additional presentation/workshop designs. 



Adventist Recovery Ministry

The mission of is to share hope, wholeness, and freedom from addictions, trauma, and hurtful habits through the healing power of Christ. To provide training and support for churches and individuals who wish to help those who are seeking freedom from harmful thoughts, habits, and addictions. We wish for all congregations and communities to be a safe place for anyone to come in order to find victory through Jesus Christ. , that can empower individuals with the skills, understanding, and compassion needed to help individuals who are walking the path to freedom from addictions.  Whatever your current level of understanding about addictions, we welcome you to join this group by taking both the online and in-person trainings. Developing a Facilitator Network in order to provide peer support for those who are actively engaged as JTW Facilitators, or who are preparing to start a JTW Recovery Group.  This network could very well be the key to the success of your ministry.

K-12  & Higher Education

Training educators on trauma-informed practices, assists them in recognizing when a student's behavior might be the result of trauma or stress, allowing them to identify students who may need extra support. Trauma-informed teaching strategies can foster predictability and helps build a sense of stability. This allows students to cultivate self-worth, and the opportunity to better regulate their emotions and improve their focus. The training also addresses the educator's own needs for self-care.

In partnership with North American Division Office of Education, we have created a for Educators. This toolkit is to help educators understand and identify the seven most common mental health challenges and disorders, and how to help children, youth, and their families get the appropriate Mental Health resources necessary to assist them.

Along with the "toolkit" linked above we've also partnered with the Adventist Learning Community to create a CEU course titled,  This course addresses the role that PreK-12 teachers, administrators, and school support staff have in supporting students. Learn strategies to assist students displaying concerning mental health behaviors. After completing this training course, you will earn 1 CEU (10 hours) and a certificate of completion in your Adventist Learning Community e-portfolio.

TBRI - Trust Based Relational Intervention

As TBRI Practitioners trained by the , we can provide TBRI Caregiver Training.

TBRI  is an attachment-based, trauma-informed intervention that is designed to meet the complex needs of vulnerable children. TBRI® uses Empowering Principles to address physical needs, Connecting Principles for attachment needs, and Correcting Principles to disarm fear-based behaviors. While the intervention is based on years of attachment, sensory processing, and neuroscience research, the heartbeat of TBRI® is connection. 

TBRI Caregiver Training is usually held annually during Spring Semester on the campus of 日韩AV for both campus and community memebers. Additional group trainings can be arranged. 


Training pastors and church leadership in faith-based trauma-informed practices assists them in realizing the widespread impact of trauma, giving them the tools to recognize the signs of trauma in themselves and others. They also learn how to respond to the needs of the congregation and community by integrating this knowledge into the planning of ministries, policies, and stewardship of the church's resources.


We have also assisted the organizations and groups listed below with customized trainings and presentations.

  • End it Now, Australia- is a global initiative to raise awareness and advocate for the end of violence around the world. It aims to mobilize Seventh-day Adventists around the world and invites other community groups to join in to resolve this worldwide issue.
  • Native American and other Indigenous Populations- Discussing  inter-generational trauma, how historical trauma may begin to negatively effect mutltiple generations along with insights into how to survive and thrive in the context of trauma. A recent podcast can be heard .
  • Services who Support Foster & Adoptive Families
  • Secular and Faith-based Community Outreach Programs

Are you interested in having our trauma team speak to your group, organization or at an event?

Then use this short  to submit a request.