
Resources for Faculty Liaisons

Faculty Liaison's Role and Responsibilities

All full-time social work faculty members function in the role of faculty liaison.  The faculty liaison provides a vital link between the Director of Field, the student, and the field instructor.  The Director of Field designates faculty liaisons to represent the social work department in the field.  The Faculty Liaison is expected to make a minimum of two on-site agency visits per academic year and meet jointly with the field instructor and student.  All faculty liaisons will make more frequent contacts when the written evaluation suggests that the student is performing below expectations.  The faculty liaison is expected to have completed the Liaison visit forms for each liaison visit.

To ensure a quality field experience, the Field Liaison will consult with the Field Instructor concerning:

  • The student's field assignments, curriculum and relevant course assignments/projects
  • Professionalism
  • The development of learning plan in order to structure the field experience to address objectives and student educational goals
  • Issues that may impact the learning process and facilitates problem solving
  • Practice Behavior guidelines
  • Evaluative standards
  • Program curriculum
  • Use of portfolio
  • Development and maintenance of the relationship with the agency
