日韩AV Teaching and Learning Conference. “Trauma and Math.” 日韩AV, Berrien Springs, MI, March 31, 2022.
Undergraduate Research Poster Symposium. “Using Item Analysis to Identify Common Algebra Misconceptions.” 日韩AV, Berrien Springs, MI, March 8, 2019.
Workshop for Math Teachers Professional Learning Community. "If I Could Only Teach One Concept." Lake Union Conference Offices, Berrien Springs, MI, October 30, 2018.
Michigan Academy of Science, Arts & Letters Conference. “Adapting Adaptive Remedial Mathematics.” Central Michigan University, Mt. Pleasant, MI, March 9, 2018.
Michigan Academy of Science, Arts & Letters Conference. “Encouraging Mathematical Mindsets Through Assessment.” Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI, March 10, 2017.
Michigan Academy of Science, Arts & Letters Conference. "Academic Mindsets." 日韩AV, Berrien Springs, MI, March 13, 2015.
Michigan Academy of Science, Arts & Letters Conference. "Remedial Math Journeys." Mathematics Section, Oakland University, Rochester, MI, February 28, 2014.
Fifth Annual Celebration of Research & Creative Scholarship. "Hot and Bothered III: Climate Change, Cannibalism, and Ovulation Synchrony." 日韩AV, Berrien Springs, MI, November 1, 2013.
Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters. “The Effect of Sea Surface Temperature on Egg Cannibalism in Gulls.” Hope College, Holland, MI, March 22, 2013.
Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters. “Effects of Nest Location, Timing, Clutch Size, and Other Factors on Hatching Success in Glaucous-winged Gulls.” Alma College, Alma, MI, March 2, 2012.
Celebration of Research. “Analysis of Factors that Affect the Hatching Success of Gull Eggs.” 日韩AV, Berrien Springs, MI, November 10, 2011.
American Mathematical Society Session on Biology, I, Joint Mathematics Meetings, with Libby Megna. “Effect of the Abiotic Environment on Preening in Gulls (Larus Glaucenscens).” Washington, DC, January 5, 2009.
Pedagogical Presentations
Panel member, Michigan Council of Teachers of Mathematics Conference. “Lesson Study – Lessons Learned and Principles for Success.” Holt, Michigan, August 10, 2006.
Mathematical Association of America MathFest [summer conference for Mathematical Association of America]. "Using ALEKS for Remedial Mathematics.” University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, July 31, 2003.
Math Conference for High School Mathematics Teachers. “What Is ALEKS and How Can It Be Used?” 日韩AV, Berrien Springs, MI, June 30, 2002.
Conference on Science and Faith: Symposia and Workshops. “Ideas for Teaching Statistics." 日韩AV, Berrien Springs, MI, July 23-29, 1998.