
Shandelle M. Henson

Shandelle M. Henson

Shandelle M. Henson

Title: Professor of Mathematics
Professor of Ecology

Office Location: Haughey Hall 125
E-mail: henson@andrews.edu
Phone: (269) 471-3423


Ph.D. University of Tennessee
M.A. Duke University
B.S. Southern Adventist University


Shandelle Henson is an applied mathematician and ecologist. She uses dynamical systems theory to describe, explain, and predict the dynamics of animal behavior and populations. She and her ecologist husband Jim Hayward have studied the effects of climate change on seabirds in the Pacific Northwest since 2002.

Shandelle is also an artist. She paints landscapes en plein air in oil and pastel. Her artist website is .

Shandelle enjoys trail running, swimming, cycling, and hiking with her ecologist husband, Jim Hayward.

Current Research or Professional Activities

Dynamical Systems and bifurcation theory, with applications to animal behavior and population ecology. Plein air landscape artist, painting in oil and pastel.