

BIOL 100 (F) Human Biology

This course is designed to provide students with a basic understanding of the structure and function of the human body. Emphasis is placed on the practical application of principles learned in the areas of nutrition, anatomy and physiology.
Taught by: Dr. Murray

BIOL 110 (S) Principles of Biology
A one-semester survey of the principles of biology as they apply to the study of biological molecules, cells, multicellular organisms, and ecosystems. The course will introduce key concepts of biological function, inheritance, adaptation, and diversity.
Taught by: Dr. Wong

BIOL 165 (F) Foundations of Biology I
First semester of a full-year sequence addressing the foundational principles in biology. Explores the cellular and molecular basis of life, principles of heredity, biodiversity and classification of organisms excluding animals, and plant form and function.
Taught by: Dr. Lyons, Dr. Goodwin

BIOL 166 (S) Foundations of Biology II
Second semester of a full-year sequence addressing the foundational principles in biology. Explores biodiversity and classification of animals, animal form and function, history of life on earth, and ecology.
Taught by: Dr. Mbungu, Dr. Navia

BIOL 170 (F) Rocks, Fossils, and Life
Survey of fundamental concepts of geology and paleontology with application to a study of the history of the earth and of life. Consideration is given to interactions of religious, philosophical, and geological ideas, within a biblical worldview.
Taught by:

BIOL 208 (F) Environmental Science
Study of basic ecological principles as applied to human activities. Discussions deal with contemporary environmental issues. Lab includes field trips, guest speakers, and experiments.
Taught by: Dr. Wong

BIOL 221 (F) Anatomy and Physiology I
First semester of a full-year sequence addressing the structure and function of the human organism. Surveys introductory biological chemistry, cell biology, histology, and the structure, function, and control of the integumentary, skeletal, muscular, nervous, and sensory systems.
Taught by: Dr. Navia, Dr. Wong

BIOL 222 (S) Anatomy and Physiology II
Second semester of a full-year sequence addressing the structure and function of the human organism. Surveys the structure, function, and control of the endocrine, cardiovascular, circulatory, respiratory, urinary, digestive and reproductive systems.
Taught by: Dr. Murray, Dr. Smith

BIOL 260 (S) General Microbiology
Includes history, morphology, classification, control, growth, transmission, and pathogenicity of selected bacteria, viruses, rickettsia, fungi, and parasites. Covers the nature of host defenses against pathogens, including the acquisition of specific immunity and immune disorders.
Taught by: Dr. Wong

BIOL 280 (S) Biostatistics and Research Design
An introduction to research design and statistical methods in quantitative biology. Topics include probability, basic study design, descriptive statistics, sampling, contingency tables, t-tests, one- and two-way analysis of variance, correlation, and simple linear regression. Both parametric and non-parametric techniques are explored. Computational exercises will use the R and SPSS packages.
Taught by: Dr. Gonzalez-Socoloske

BIOL 285 (F, S) Research Seminar in Biology
Required for at least 5 semesters for biology majors (or each semester for students who transfer into biology with less than 5 semesters remaining). Each registration will require students to attend and report on at least 3 departmentally approved research seminars during that semester.
Taught by: Dr. Zdor

BIOL 305 (S) Scientific Communication
A practical introduction to scientific communication. This course will focus on developing the fundamental skills required to convey information in the form of grant proposals, oral and poster presentations and research articles.
Taught by: Dr. Goodwin

BIOL 315 (S) Developmental Biology
A study of the cellular and tissue-level events that result in the development of integrated organisms. Vertebrate and invertebrate model systems will be examined and compared with plants. Lab activities include vertebrate developmental anatomy and experimental approaches to understanding basic developmental processes.
Taught by: Dr. Zdor

BIOL 316 (S) Human Embryology
Acquaints students with the process of human development and embryology.
Taught by: Dr. Zdor

BIOL 345 (S) Natural History of the Everglades and Florida Keys
Classwork will prepare the student to make the most of a field trip to Florida by surveying relevant environmental principles, introducing important groups of organisms, and providing a solid understanding of the ecosystems in south Florida and their conservation status. A field trip will offer total immersion in those ecosystems, during which time data will be collected toward completion of a class project.
Taught by: Dr. Gonzalez-Socoloske, Dr. Atkins

BIOL 348 (F) General Ecology

Ecological principles as applied to individual, population, community, and ecosystem levels of organization. Labs feature the characterization of ecological systems using standard field and lab techniques.
Taught by: Dr. Gonzalez-Socoloske

BIOL 371 (F) Genetics
Mechanisms of heredity are considered in light of classical population and molecular genetics. Labs feature experience in Drosophila genetics, chromosome analysis, statistical techniques, and recombinant DNA technology.
Taught by: Dr. Murray

BIOL 372 (S) Cell and Molecular Biology
Information from molecular biology, biochemistry, biophysics, physical chemistry, and electron microscopy are integrated to present the cell as a functional unit. Labs provide experience in the collection and analysis of quantitative data about cells.
Taught by: Dr. Lyons

BIOL 400 (Rosario) Marine Mammalogy
This course will provide an introduction to the biology of marine mammals, covering their diversity, morphology, physiology, behavior, and ecology. Particular attention will be given to management and conservation of marine mammals and to the marine mammals of the inland marine waters of Washington State and British Columbia (Salish Sea). This course will involve labs, field observations, and a student led research project.
Taught by: Dr. Gonzalez-Socoloske

BIOL 415 (S) Genomics, Proteomics, and Bioinformatics

An examination of the wealth of information to be found in our genomes and proteomes, the techniques used to produce and analyze these data, and its implications for biomedicine and related fields. Online databases and bioinformatics tools will be used extensively.
Taught by: Dr. Lyons

BIOL 420 (F) Immunology
Topics include organs and cells of the immune system, antigens, immunoglobulins, the MHC, antibody diversity, tolerance and memory, complement, cell mediated immunity, regulation, hypersensitivity, autoimmune diseases, transplantation, and tumor immunology.
Taught by: TBA

BIOL 428 (F) Paleobiology
Covers various specialities including general and vertebrate paleontology. Surveys the origins, history, adaptations, diversity and paleoecology of ancient organisms as documented by the fossil record.
Taught by: Dr. Goodwin

BIOL 430 (F) Molecular Laboratory Techniques
Acquaints students with modern lab techniques of molecular biology. The manipulation and study of nucleic acids and proteins using model systems.
Taught by: Dr. Smith

BIOL 435 (S) Historical and Philosophical Biology
Examination of biological, paleontological, and geological concepts central to the study of historical events in biological systems. Considers the interactions of data, theories, and extra scientific concepts in historical biology, within the particular context of a biblical worldview.
Taught by: Dr. Goodwin

BIOL 440 (F) Electron Microscopy in Biological Investigations
Lectures cover the theory, functions, and use of the transmission and scanning electron microscopes. Two 3-hour labs per week provide hands-on experience in the techniques involved in scanning and transmission electron microscopy, including use of the ultramicrotome.
Taught by: Dr. Smith

BIOL 450 (S) Neuropsychopharmacology
A study of the mechanisms of actions of psychotropic agents and how they affect human perception and behavior. Emphasis is placed on the organization and function of the nervous system and the molecular and biochemical basis of drugs used to treat behavioral and clinical disorders.
Taught by: Dr. Mbungu

BIOL 454 (F, S) Vertebrate Zoology
Covers the various specialties of vertebrate biology, including herpetology, ornithology, and mammalogy.
Taught by: Dr. Gonzalez-Socoloske

BIOL 459 (F) Entomology
Study of fundamental aspects of insect biology.
Taught by: Dr. Mbungu

BIOL 464 (F) Systems Physiology
Functional processes used by animals in adjusting to their external environment and controlling their internal environment. Labs involve the firsthand analysis of selected aspects of the major functional systems.
Taught by: Dr. Mbungu

BIOL 465 (S) Histology
Microscopic anatomy, cytology, ultrastructure of tissues and organ systems are correlated with function. Emphasis on normal tissues of vertebrates.
Taught by: Dr. Wong

BIOL 475 (F) Biology of Bacteria
Study of the properties of bacteria that illustrate their function and relationship to other living systems. Topics include structure and function, classification, and interaction with the environment.
Taught by: Dr. Zdor

BIOL 477 (F) Neurobiology
The neural basis of behavior, with some emphasis on the human nervous system, including cellular and molecular approaches to neuron function, development of neurons and circuits, and neuro-endocrine mechanisms. Labs develop skills in electrophysiology and neuroanatomy.
Taught by: Dr. Navia

BIOL 484 (F) Animal Behavior
Behavior of animals including considerations of social interactions, learning processes, instinct, motivation, experimental methods, and the analysis of behavior patterns characteristic of various species.
Taught by: Dr. Gonzalez-Socoloske

BIOL 550 (S) Issues in Origins and Speciation
A comparative survey of the assumptions, attitudes, methods, and conclusions of science and religion in the handling of data. Attention is given to current scientific data and their relationship to an understanding of earth history and the present diversity of life.
Taught by: Dr. Navia