
Joel Raveloharimisy

Joel Raveloharimisy

Joel Raveloharimisy

Title: Director, Community & Int'l Development Program
Associate Professor of Community & Int'l Development

Office Location: Buller Hall 206
E-mail: raveloha@andrews.edu
Phone: (269) 471-6675


  • Ph. D. Political Science, Western Michigan University (2011)
  • M.B.A. Eastern Washington University (2004)
  • B.A. Interdisciplinary Studies, Eastern Washington University (2003)
  • Graduate Certificate English as a Second Language, University of Antananarivo, Madagascar
  • License es Lettre (B.A.) English as a Second Language, University of Antananarivo, Madagascar (1996)


Fluent in English, French, and Malagasy, Dr. Raveloharimisy joined the School of Social & Behavioral Sciences in 2011 as the Director of the Masters Community and International Development Program. Raised in Madagascar, Dr. Raveloharimisy brings an expertise and understanding of international affairs, development, and administration to the program.

Current Research or Professional Activities

Conference Presentations

  • Study Abroad Best Practices. 日韩AV Celebration of Research and Creative Scholarship. Berrien Springs, MI. October 30, 2015.
  • Evaluating NGO’s Strengths and Weaknesses through the Lens of SPHERE’s Core Standards. MASAL 2014
  • Assessing the Effectiveness of the International Mediations in Managing the 2009 Political Crisis and Conflict in Madagascar. African Studies Association Annual Meeting. Nov. 20-23, 2014. Indianapolis, IN
  • The Seventh-day Adventist Church’s Response to Disasters in the Indian Ocean. 日韩AV Celebration of Research and Creative Scholarship. Berrien Springs, MI. October 31, 2014.
  • The Role of Faith-Based Organizations in Development. 日韩AV Celebration of Research and Creative Scholarship. Berrien Springs, MI. October 31, 2014.
  • Factors Contributing to Women’s Leadership Roles in Politics: Madagascar. 日韩AV Celebration of Research and Creative Scholarship. Berrien Springs, MI. October 31, 2014.
  • What Are the Factors That Make the Poor to Seek Help from Civil Societies over Public Institutions? 日韩AV Celebration of Research and Creative Scholarship. Berrien Springs, MI. October 31, 2014.
  • The Relationship between the Values of Social Science and the Values of the Seventh-day Adventist (SDA Philosophy of Education). 日韩AV Celebration of Research and Creative Scholarship. Berrien Springs, MI. October 31, 2014.
  • Process of Women Empowerment in Madagascar. African Studies Association Annual Meeting. Nov. 21-24, 2013. Baltimore, MD
  • Accidental Path Dependency in the Evolution of Gender Equality in Madagascar Midwest Political Science Association Annual Conference. Chicago, IL. April 3-6, 2014.
  • Bonding Social Capital: Asset or Liability to Informal Entrepreneurship and Local Government Activities in Rural Madagascar. Midwest Political Science Association Annual Conference. Chicago, IL. April 3-6, 2013.
  • Meeting Financial Needs in Times of Declining Tithe and offerings. Beyond the Bottom Line. NAD Treasurers Conference. Nashville, TN. March 24-26, 2013.
  • Informal Institutions in Madagascar and Cyclical Political Crises, April 12-15, 2012, Chicago, IL. 68th Midwest Political Science Association Annual National (MPSA) Conference
  • Cooperation between the U.S. and Diaspora Communities: Implications for Development and Foreign Policy, April 12-15, 2012, Chicago, IL. 68th MPSA Conference
  • Formalizing the Informal: Analysis of the Formalization of Informal Institutions in Madagascar Nov. 29 – Dec. 1, 2012. Philadelphia, PA. 57th Annual Meeting of the African Studies Association (ASA) Conference

Professional Consultations

  • Child Welfare and Protection and Family Welfare in Madagascar. Bethany International Services. Grand Rapids, MI, since Nov. 2014

Conference Organization

  • Session Chair: Conflict, Migration, and Victimization. African Studies Association Annual Meeting (2013) Baltimore, MD
  • Panelist: Leaders, State Capacity, and Performance. Midwest Political Science Association Annual Conference. (2013) Chicago, IL.
  • Panelist: Legitimacy, Citizen Support and Political Performance in Africa, Section African Politics. (2012), Chicago, IL. 68th Midwest Political Science Association Annual National (MPSA) Conference

External Grants

  • Sub-grant recipient under the USAID-Funded MEASURE Evaluation Population and Reproductive Health (PRH) project based at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC). Research Project: The Influence of Family Dynamics on Contraceptive Use in Madagascar and the Ensuing Impact on Family Well-being (Co-principal investigator), $20,000.00
  • Review of grant application for Research Triangle International: Madagascar Primary Health Care (PHC) Procurement


  • Raveloharimisy, J. The Prophet Elisha as an Agent of Change for Community Development.The Journal of Applied Christian Leadership. Fall 2105, Volume 9 No. 2.
  • Raveloharimisy, J. Women’s Access to Political Leadership in Madagascar: The Value of History and Social Activism? Journal of International Women’s Studies Review (2016)
  • Spiritual Imperatives. The Journal of Adventist Education (2016)
  • Raney, A. & Raveloharimisy, Joel (2016) The Contributions of Faith-Based Organizations to Development and the Humanitarian Field: An ADRA Case Study, Interdisciplinary Journal of Best Practices in Global Development: Vol. 2 , Article 2.6 Available at
  • Raveloharimisy, J. The Influence of Family Dynamics on Contraceptive Use in Madagascar and the Ensuing Impact on Family Well-being. MEASURE Evaluation PRH Working Paper Series. Dec. 2013 WP-13-141. Accessible at