
CIDP Field Practicum Information

As a part of the capstone requirements for the Masters of Science in Community and International Development, students take part in CIDS680 Field Practicum where they do an internship or practicum that co-ordinates with the student's research project and/or concentration. This course requires a minimum of 720 hours at a domestic, national, or international organization/project. Arrangements for the internship will be made by the program director/advisor pending availability and feasibility of the placement proposed by the student. The Field Practicum is one of the most critical elements of the program's curriculum as it assists students in the process of building expertise by providing an applied practical component to the theoretical knowledge acquired in classes.

Field Practicum Requirements
  • Must have taken at least two courses related to the area in which the field practicum occurs before enrolling in the Field Practicum course.
  • Must be matched with your research project and/or concentration.
  • Must complete a minimum of 720 in-field hours (approximately 6 months at 30 hours per week).
  • Must be approved by the Program Director through the Field Practicum Application process, which includes:
    1. An approval form from a sponsoring organization (MOU filled out by the organization, and returned to Dr. Raveloharimisy for his signature of approval). We only accept an internship that has an MOU signed by your employer and your advisor.
    2. A rationale for choosing this particular organization/country (written).
    3. A statement on how this particular field of work ties with the concentration (Learning Objectives for Internship/Field Practicum).
    4. You must report your hours weekly on the form called “Internship Weekly Report” on the Learning Hub. On that form you will also fill in the answers to the questions on a weekly basis.
    5. At the end of each semester you are enrolled in the Field Practicum course, you will schedule an internship presentation. Arrange with the Administrative Assistant of CIDP and Dr. Raveloharimisy a day and time to present what you have learned and how it fulfills the Learning Objectives of your internship. Your presentation will be heard by at least 3 professors, who will grade you on your presentation, using he form called "Internship Report Form."
    6. The “Internship Presentation Guidelines” form can assist you in preparing your 30-minute Power Point presentation.
    7. Your employer/supervisor needs to fill out the “Evaluation of student performance in Internship” form and send it to Dr. Raveloharimisy for his signature of approval.
    8. Your grade will be turned in to Academic Records by the CIDP team to complete this requirement.

NOTE: Full instructions for this course are found on the LearningHub for those who have registered for CIDS680 Field Practicum. You must turn in your forms on the LearningHub.


Click here for Internship and Employment Opportunities


Field Learning Objectives for Students

This document is for both students and prospective internship supervisors. It outlines objectives and expectations for the internship. It is for information purpose;

Internship Hours Log

It is expected that students will complete a 720-hour internship (approximately 6 months at 30 hours per week), as indicated by completing this form weekly during the internship. All completed forms must be submitted to CIDP following the internship.

Memorandum of Understanding

This document is an official agreement between the Community & International Development Program and the agency/organization in which the student will complete internship requirements. This form should be signed and returned to CIDP prior to the start of the internship.

Internship Report Form

This form is what the faculty panel will use to evaluate the internship presentation. This is the final step before the student receives a grade for the internship.

Internship Presentation Guidelines

This document serves as an aid to students who have completed their internship, as they prepare to present their experience to a faculty panel.

Evaluation of Student Performance in Internship

This form will be used by the agency/organization employee who is assigned as internship supervisor. Upon completion of the internship, this form should be completed and returned to CIDP.

Internship Portfolio Guidelines

This form is outlines the components, steps and checkpoints of your internship portfolio.

Justification of Internship

This form describes how your internship is related to the humanitarian and development field.