
Diversity: Blog

Prayers for the Israelis and Palestinians

   Diversity: Blog | Posted on October 20, 2023
The recent humanitarian crisis unfolding in the Middle East has evoked unspeakable emotions within our own campus and off-campus communities. As an 日韩AV family, we are profoundly concerned, heartsick, and grieved by the loss of innocent lives.... read more

Celebrating Filipino American History Month

   Campus Announcements | Posted on October 19, 2023
Oct. 4, 2023 Dear campus community, Just over three decades ago in 1992, the Filipino American National Historical Society (FANHS) first introduced October as Filipino American History Month with a... read more

Hispanic Heritage Month

   Campus Announcements | Posted on October 19, 2023
Sept. 14, 2023 Dear campus community, I hope that you all are having a fantastic Change Day! I wanted to pass along this letter to inform you about another exciting... read more

Commitment to Increasing Access to Higher Ed

   Campus Announcements | Posted on July 14, 2023
July 13, 2023 Dear campus community, In recent weeks, there has been renewed discussion across the United States on access and equity in higher education, especially for historically underrepresented groups... read more

Celebrating AANHPI Heritage Month

   Campus Announcements | Posted on April 20, 2023
Dear friends, It is my pleasure to once again welcome you to our annual celebration of the Asian American, Native Hawaiian & Pacific Islander (AANHPI) communities during the month of April—one month early. ... read more

#HEALTogether: Commemorating SAAPM

   Campus Announcements | Posted on April 20, 2023
Dear friends, As you may know, the month of April is recognized as Sexual Assault Awareness & Prevention Month (SAAPM) in the United States. As we acknowledge the significance of... read more

2023 Women's History Month Celebration

   Campus Announcements | Posted on March 2, 2023
March 2, 2023 Friends, As this month of March begins, it is my distinct privilege to take a few moments to formally recognize and honor Women’s History Month. ... read more

2023 Black History Month: Forward

   Diversity: Blog | Posted on February 16, 2023
“If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.” Rev. Dr. Martin Luther... read more