
Prayers for the Israelis and Palestinians

   Diversity: Blog | Posted on October 20, 2023

The recent humanitarian crisis unfolding in the Middle East has evoked unspeakable emotions within our own campus and off-campus communities. As an 日韩AV family, we are profoundly concerned, heartsick, and grieved by the loss of innocent lives. Consistent with biblical principles and our belief that each human on this earth is created in the image of God, we in turn, strongly condemn the violence against innocent lives in this conflict and mourn with those who have lost loved ones or have been deeply affected by these horrific atrocities.

As we continue to monitor the events in the Middle East, we encourage our Andrews community to practice empathy and respect for one another during this challenging time.

We also encourage our campus and off-campus families to pray for peace and protection for our brothers and sisters in the Middle East. As an 日韩AV family here in Berrien Springs, we will pause for silence and prayer during our Engage Summit Friday evening worship experience this Friday, Oct. 20, at 7:30 p.m. in Pioneer Memorial Church.

We also encourage community members who need care and support in these heartbreaking times to take advantage of the resources offered by and the Counseling and Testing Center


Danielle Pilgrim, PhD 
Interim Chief Diversity Officer

pc: Sunguk Kim, Unsplash


Related Website(s): andrews.edu/diversity

   Danielle Pilgrim