

May Express

Half the cost. Twice as fast. What you need.

Seize the Summer

Interactive Online Experience

Registration Info

Registration opens February 5, 2024

Course Information

  • Registrants must be high school graduates.
  • Check you have computer and internet meeting minimum tech requirements listed here. Courses are NOT self-paced; there are several assignment due dates each week.
  • English sections are limited to 15 students to maximize interactivity; all other classes have a limit of 25 students.
  • Students may register for one or two classes (maximum of 7 credits) in the intense Seize the Summer June-July session.  Schedule 6 hours of study per week per credit.
  • As sections fill, new sections will be added. Check the  for additional sections with the same start and end date that have not reached capacity yet.
  • Find textbook information in the course syllabus, which is linked on the right of the row of course information in the  (filter by summer semester, and field-based).

Tuition & Fees

  • Tuition: $212 per credit, for one or two classes (1 to 7 credits); additional credits will be charged at $450 per credit
  • Andrews distance degree student fee: $155 per semester
  • Guest student fee: $83 per semester
  • Late registration service fee: $105
  • Incomplete grade fee: $35
  • Change of registration (drop/add) fee: $35

How to Register

  • Andrews degree students
  • Guest students:
    • Registered in any term in the past 12 months? Use .
    • Not registered before or not in the past 12 months? Apply first at  and once admission is emailed, use .
  • Full Sections:
    • Please check the to see which sections are full and which still have room. Seize the Summer discounts only apply to interactive online sections with dates June 6 to August 2, 2024
  • Questions? Contact us.

Deadlines to Note

Last day to register without a late fee June 10
Last day to register for classes with a late fee June 12
Last day to withdraw with a full refund June 12
Last day to withdraw with a "W" July 23