Posted on: December 18, 2024, at 03:47 PM

Most offices will be closed to the public beginning Dec. 23, 2024, and will reopen on Jan. 6, 2025. Development and the Post Office will still be open. We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy New Year!


Reunion 2006


1947, 1957, 1967, 1977, 1982, 1987, 1997 & 2006
Golden Anniversary: 1957
Silver Anniversary: 1982


SHYDEPOKE OUTCOME: We had a brave turnout for Shydepoke, which was held despite the light rain. The school teams dominated with the outcome of 11–8 for the men, and 48–0 for the women.

Our alumni committee chose to acknowledge the following individuals from the honored classes:

William Wiese WILLIAM WIESE, '47
William Wiese graduated from Andrews Academy in 1947 and has spent much of his time since in the mission field. Bill and his wife, Annita, served in both Seoul, Korea and Bangdung, Indonesia in the publishing ministry, from 1977–1983. They also spent time in Romania conducting evangelistic meetings.

They have four children, Lorelee, Claire, Calvin and Brenda. Although Bill could not attend this year’s reunion, he would like to share his thoughts with us: "Nothing can happen that we cannot handle while we trust in God. He walks with us through the valleys and over the mountaintops. We know that He is there for us and that one day soon, with those who have been faithful, we will meet beneath the tree of life beside the crystal flowing river. Our prayer is that none of us will miss that grand and glorious event—God’s gift to mankind. What a wonderful reunion that will be!"

Richard Smith

Richard Smith, with his sons, owns and operates a major excavating firm: Harold Smith and Sons. After graduating from Andrews Academy (EMCA) in 1957, and marrying his high school sweetheart, Marcia Haley, '57, he established the excavating company in Holly, Mich. The Smiths have three children, Dale, Dan and Deanna. In the 80s the Smith family moved the excavating business to Orlando, Fla.

Through the years Dick has been actively engaged in church, civic and community activities. He has been a member of the Jaycees, served as a township trustee and supervisor, and secretary and chairman of the township planning commission. His church leadership has included Pathfinder leader, deacon and elder. Forrest Lake Academy Church activities are energized through his faithful participation. He is a vigorous influence in the Florida Michigan Academies Annual Reunion planning committee. Dick and Marcia have provided a home for many needy youth and families. Their generous hospitality has been a significant factor in changing lives.
William Murdoch DR. WILLIAM G.C. MURDOCH, '67
Following his 1967 graduation from Andrews Academy, Bill pursued an academic career that led to earning a Bachelor of Arts from 日韩AV, a Doctor of Medicine from Loma Linda University, and a Child Psychiatry fellowship at the University of Michigan. After directing the adolescent section in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Michigan, he joined the faculty of Loma Linda University School of Medicine and the medical staff of Loma Linda University Hospital in 1986.

Currently, Murdoch serves as chair of the LLU Department of Psychiatry in the School of Medicine. He has led intervention teams to tsunami areas, Haiti and the Dominican Republic. He is married to Jean Kinzer Murdoch and they have one daughter, Emily Elizabeth.

Brian Show

After graduating from Andrews Academy in 1977, Brian majored in business and accounting at Columbia Union College and received his MBA from George Washington University with a marketing concentration. He is a member of the National Honor Society for Business and Marketing. Currently, he is vice president of Royal Glass Company in charge of IT, human resources and accounting. At Spencerville Adventist Church he is a leader in the high school division, which serves Spencerville Adventist Academy.

In 2004, the new youth pastor asked Brian to help put together a mission trip to Belize for the high school youth. The annual mission trip has become his passion. When he talks you hear his passion for people in villages without clean water, for the local church workers, but most of all for the students. Brian says, "Mission service changes lives. Our short-term mission trips have awakened a desire for local community service among our students." Brian took the Spencerville youth to Belize again in March 2007.
After graduating from the Academy, Coralie attended 日韩AV and Florida International University (FIU).  She completed her bachelor’s degree in Health Services Administration in 1986 and her master’s degree in Health Services Administration in 1993. She is currently working on her Fellowship with the American College of Health Care Executives. After graduating from FIU in 1986, Coralie returned to her native Bahamas and began working for the Ministry of Health as an executive officer, and has worked in the Bahamian hospital system in various positions with increasing responsibility. Coralie has served as chief hospital administrator for the Princess Margaret Hospital in Nassau, Bahamas since 2002. Princess Margaret Hospital is a 405-bed teaching hospital with an annual budget of $73 million.

Michael Hasel

Michael G. Hasel resides with his wife, Giselle, and their two daughters, Daniella and Sarah, at Southern Adventist University. He is director of the Institute of Archaeology and professor of Near Eastern Studies and Archaeology/Religion in the School of Religion. He completed his undergraduate training at 日韩AV before receiving a master’s degree from the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary in 1992. He was awarded a master’s degree in Near Eastern Studies and Anthropology from The University of Arizona, and in 1996 became the youngest recipient of the PhD degree (with distinction) in the program’s history.

In 1995–96 he was the Samuel H. Kress Fellow at the W.F. Albright Institute of Archaeological Research in Jerusalem. In 2005, he served as a Senior Fulbright Scholar at the Cyprus-American Archaeological Research Institute (CAARI) in Nicosia, Cyprus, funded by the U.S. Department of State. Hasel has participated and served in administrative capacities on eight different archaeological sites in the United States, Israel, Jordan and Cyprus. Currently, he is heading up a new initiative in collaboration with The Hebrew University excavations at Hazor, the largest biblical site in Israel.
Rodney Bowes RODNEY BOWES, ’97
Soon after graduation, Rodney Bowes knew he wanted to dedicate his life to spreading God’s love and message of salvation. In 1998, he went to the Philippines as a student missionary. After he returned, Rodney furthered his education and met and married his wife, Julie. In 2005, they moved to Wildwood, Tenn., where they currently work at the Wildwood Health Retreat. Here they work with people struggling with addiction and drug abuse, diabetes, alcoholism and more. Rodney feels combining the health message with the gospel is imperative to effective ministry. Rodney and Julie hope to begin a new program establishing Adventist Schools of Health and Evangelism all over the world—especially in the Far East, such as Thailand, the Philippines and Indonesia, and possibly even in the Middle East.


Ashleigh Burtnett has already realized one of her life dreams—to become a missionary. After graduating from the Academy she enrolled at 日韩AV as a physical therapy major, and finished her freshman year before becoming a student missionary. During her time at Andrews she was the coordinator for the Benton Harbor Nursing Home Ministry, continuing to show her desire to help those in need. She is currently teaching and tutoring both English spelling and vocabulary in Thailand, grades 5–9, at the Adventist International Missions School. In addition to her teaching, she has also helped the school develop a student council, and is assisting with the production of their yearbook.