In humility value others above yourselves. Philippians 2:3
[2022-2023 School Year]
As a Seventh-day Adventist Christian learning community, 日韩AV is guided by the teachings and example of Jesus. In that context, we regard our personal rights and preferences as secondary to His call to care for the wellbeing of others, even as our campus and our world take steps to move beyond the direct impact of the global COVID-19 pandemic. While many restrictions and guidelines have changed in the United States and around the world, we will continue to have shared responsibilities (see Statement of Responsibility) for which each one of us as a member of the Andrews community will be held accountable.
It is still not possible to completely eliminate the risk of COVID-19 infection. Nevertheless, each one of us as students, faculty and staff must continue to take significant steps to help significantly reduce the risk and spread of COVID-19 infection (see Statement of Responsibility) by continuing to protect and care for our own and others’ health and safety. These steps, based on current protocols, are outlined in the 日韩AV Community Covenant of Care below. In addition, the University will, of course, reserve the right to return to previous mitigation measures if the situation requires it.
Therefore, you, as a valued member of our campus community, are asked to help our entire campus community create a culture of care by personally committing to this 日韩AV Community Covenant of Care in your own lives and activities.
The Covenant includes, but may not be limited to: