
2011-2012 Undergraduate Research Scholars

• Christa Betts (Constance Gane, Old Testament), Photography and visual media at the Horn Archaeological Museum. Fall 2011

• Lindsay Dever (Randall Younker, Old Testament), Pottery preparation for scanning and publication. Spring 2012

• Erica Evans (Ryan Hayes, Chemistry), Fluorescent copper sensor using dimethylaminocyanostilbene. Fall 2011, Spring 2012 ()

• Lora Filipova (Desmond Murray, Chemistry), Synthesis of mixed acylals via mixed anhydrides. Fall 2011, Spring 2012

• Sarah Gane (Randall Younker, Old Testament), Pottery reconstruction, 3D scanning and analysis. Fall 2011, Spring 2012

• Jermaine Henry (Herbert Helm, Behavioral Sciences), Generational differences in mate selection characteristics. Spring 2012

• Woo Jong Jang (Tom Goodwin, Biology), Serial stable isotope analysis of ground squirrel incisors. Fall 2011

• Davina Johnson (Desmond Murray, Chemistry), Synthesis of genomic stilbenes. Fall 2011, Spring 2012

• Jonathan Koch (Marcella Myers, History & Political Science), “Teaching the ‘Other’ in immigration” in The Other People: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Migration for the 21st Century. Fall 2011, Spring 2012 ()

• Arianna Lashley (Karl Bailey, Behavioral Sciences), Religion and free will: Restoration after ego depletion. Fall 2011, Spring 2012

• Sarah Lee (Curt VanderWaal, Social Work), Evaluation of Christian Record products and services for the visually impaired. Fall 2011, Spring 2012 ()

• Steven Lee (John Stout, Research), Comparisons on the response of the Omega Neuron 1 to male calling songs between Virgin and Colonized Female Acheta Domesticus. Spring 2012

• James Lynch (Ryan Hayes, Chemistry), Isolation and identification of arginine-based heterocyclic amines. Fall 2011, Spring 2012

• James Magbanua (Hyun Kwon, Engineering & Computer Science), Bifunctional chemical linker synthesis and characterization. Spring 2012

• Shelley McLarty (James Hayward, Biology), Taphonomic effects of burning on avian eggshell. Spring 2012 ()

• Amy Nadane (Robert Zdor, Biology), Bacterial growth & IAA production in velvetleaf root exudates. Fall 2011, Spring 2012 ()

• Sheree Occenad (John Stout, Research), Response properties of the Omega 1 Auditory Neuron in female crickets raised with males. Spring 2012

• Autumn Pelkey (Lionel Matthews, Behavioral Sciences), Religious and social-psychological outcomes of nature interaction. Fall 2011, Spring 2012

• Kristina Penny (Patrice Jones, Communication), Documentary filming in Jordan. Fall 2011

• Chelsea Powell (Duane McBride, Behavioral Sciences), The role of clergy in providing access to mental health services for congregants. Fall 2011, Spring 2012

• Zechariah Ray (Constance Gane, Old Testament), Drawings of Mischwesen from the Neo-Babylonian Period. Fall 2011, Spring 2012

 Tanner Williams (Boon-Chai Ng, Engineering & Computer Science), Evaluating the mechanical properties of Dielectric Electro Active Polymer (DEAP). Fall 2011, Spring 2012

• Thomas Zirkle (Hyun Kwon, Engineering & Computer Science), FET biosensor. Fall 2011