
2008-2012 Undergraduate Publications

These are undergraduate student publications from 2012 and earlier.

College of Arts and Sciences



  • G. Atkins, C. Burden, S. Purvis, T. Steely, J. Stout (2010). Unexpected variation in the calling song and phonotaxis of two field cricket species (Gryllus veletis and G. pennsylvanicus). Proceedings from the International Congress of Neuroethology 9:407 , Salamanca, Spain.
  • B. Navia, C. Burden, C. Greene, T. Steely, H. Hasagawa, J. Stout, G. Atkins (2010). Variability in the male's calling song correlates with variability in phonotactic and neuronal responses in female cricket Acheta domesticus.  Proceedings from the International Congress of Neuroethology 9:407 , Salamanca, Spain.

Engineering and Computer Science


  • Boon-Chai Ng, Craig Bradfield, Roy Pritish, Marlene Murray. Potential Fiberboard Material From Cow Manure and Disposable Water Bottle.  Supplemental Proceedings: Volume 1: Materials Processing and Interfaces TMS (The Minerals, Metal & Materials Society), 2012.  
  • G.S. Agoki & C. Dias. (2012) “Use of the Simulation Approach to Determine the Completion Time and Associated Probability in Senior Design Projects in Undergraduate Engineering Programs.” ProMAC 2012, 6th International Conference on Project Management, Honolulu, Hawaii, U.S.A. Published Proceedings.
  • B.C. Ng, G. Lovhoiden, K. Sompalli, T. Willliams. An Evaluation of the Electrical Resistance of a Di-electric Electro-active Polymer Undergoing a Series of Stress-relaxation Cycles, 2012 Hawaii University International Conferences Education, Math & Engineering Technology. 2012.


  • B. Chase, J.H.Kang. Positive solutions to an elliptic biological model, Global Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol.5, No.2(2009), pp.101-108


  • Andrew Blosser and Lael Caesar.“The Mind Of Christ, Post-Definition: Some Implications For College Bible Teaching,” Proceedings of Mind of Christ Conferences, 2008/2009, University of the Southern Caribbean (Maracas, Trinidad: USC Press, 2010), pp. 75-95

Social Work


  • C.J. VanderWaal, E.I.Hernandez, & A.R. Sandman. (2012). The gatekeepers: Clergy involvement in referrals and collaboration with mental health and substance abuse professionals. Journal of Social Work and Christianity, 39(1), 27-51.


  • C.J.VanderWaal, S. Trecartin, C. Cain, C.Ichoya, R.Bishop, & M. Louis, (2008, May).  The DeVos Urban Leadership Initiative: Learning from the Past – Looking to the Future.  Supported by the DeVos Foundations and published by LithoTech, Berrien Springs, MI.

* Some of the students were recent graduates or graduate students by the date of the publication, but the research involved their work as an undergraduate.