
2013 Recipients

Camden Bowman

Project Title: "Immigration Stories and the Construction of a Bilingual American Identity," 

Faculty Mentor: Professor Sonia Badenas

Major: French


Lindsay Dever

Project Title: Understanding Expressive Writing: Its Relationship to Trauma, Resilience, and Parenting Style, 

Faculty Mentors: Dr. Karl G. D. Bailey and Professor Harvey J. Burnett Jr.

Major: Sociology


Navina Dueck-Stefánsson

Project Title: Analysis of the Icelandic Oral Hymn Tradition as Seen in the Twentieth-Century Ethnographic Recordings of "Stridsmenn Krist" ("Christ Bears His Cross"), 

Faculy Mentor: Professor Trina Thompson

Major: Music


Elizabeth Glover

Project Title: Defining African American Child Labor: The Development of Labor and Education, 1900-1930

Faculty Mentor: Professor Kathryn Silva-Banks

Major: History