
2000-2012 Graduate Publications


College of Arts and Sciences



  • S. M. Henson, L. M. Weldon, J. L. Hayward, D. J. Greene, L. C. Megna, and M. C. Serem. 2012. Coping behavior as an adaptation to stress: post-disturbance preening in colonial seabirds. Journal of Biological Dynamics 6:17-37.


  • J. D. Janssen, G. W. Mutch, and J. L. Hayward. 2011. Taphonomic effects of high temperature on avian eggshell. Palaios 26:658-664.


  • D. L. Smith, and J. L. Hayward. 2010. Bacterial decomposition of avian eggshell: A taphonomic experiment. Palaios 25:318-326.


  • A. L. Moore, S. P. Damania, J. L. Hayward, and S. M Henson. 2008. Modeling the daily activities of breeding colonial seabirds: Dynamic occupancy patterns in multiple habitat patches. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering 5:831-842.


  • S. M. Henson, J. L. Hayward, and S. P. Damania. 2006. Identifying environmental determinants of diurnal distribution in marine birds and mammals. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 68:467-482.


  • K. W. Phillips, S. P. Damania, J. L. Hayward, S. M. Henson, and C. J. Logan. 2005. Habitat patch occupancy dynamics in glaucous-winged gulls (Larus glaucescens) I: A discrete-time model. Natural Resource Modeling 18:469-498. View Article
  • S. P. Damania, K. W. Phillips, S. M. Henson, and J. L. Hayward 2005. Habitat patch occupancy dynamics in Glaucous-winged Gulls (Larus glaucescens) II: A continuous-time model. Natural Resource Modeling 18:441-468. View Article


  • J. L. Hayward, and J. K. Clayburn. 2004. Do rhinoceros auklet, Cerorhinca monocerata, fledglings fly to the sea from their natal burrows? The Canadian Field-Naturalist 118:615-617.
  • J. K. Clayburn, D. L. Smith, and J. L. Hayward. 2004. Taphonomic effects of pH and temperature on extant avian dinosaur eggshell. Palaios 19:170-177.


  • J. L. Hayward, D. K. Zelenitsky, D. L. Smith, D. Zaft, and J. K. Clayburn. 2000. Eggshell taphonomy at modern gull colonies and a dinosaur clutch site. Palaios 15: 343-355.



  • Denis Kaiser. "The Reception of Ellen White’s Trinitarian Statements by Her Contemporaries (1897–1915)." 日韩AV Seminary Studies 50, no. 1 (2012): 25–38. View Abstract
  • Kelvin Onongha. “Generational Curses, Pre-determinism, and Personal Responsibility.” Insight: Journal of Religious Studies. Babcock University, Religious Studies Department. Vol. 8 June-December 2012.
  • Davide Sciarabba."Sports and Competition in Higher Education: A Search for Values and Ethics." Forum on Public Policy Online: A Journal of the Oxford Round Table, Vol. 2012, No 2. View Abstract
  • Davide Sciarabba.“Fight the Good Fight." Dictionary of the Bible and Western Culture: A Handbook for Students, Mary Ann Beavis and Michael J. Gilmour eds. Sheffield, UK: Sheffield Phoenix Press, 2012.
  • Davide Sciarabba."Goodness." Dictionary of the Bible and Western Culture: A Handbook for Students, Mary Ann Beavis and Michael J. Gilmour eds. Sheffield, UK: Sheffield Phoenix Press, 2012.
  • Davide Sciarabba."Straight and Narrow." Dictionary of the Bible and Western Culture: A Handbook for Students, Mary Ann Beavis and Michael J. Gilmour eds. Sheffield, UK: Sheffield Phoenix Press, 2012. 
  • Michael Younker. "A Dialogue Between Contemporary Perspectives and Ellen White on Divine Action and Quantum Physics." Journal of the Adventist Theological Society 23/1, 2012.
  • Kenneth Bergland. "Analysis and Assessment of Chronological Explanations of the Fall of Samaria." Spes Christiana 22-23, 2011-2012, 67-78.
  • Denis Kaiser. "Ellen G. White’s Life of Christ: An Episode in the History of Early Adventist Translation Work." Spes Christiana 22-23 (2011-2012): 131–148. View Abstract


  • Tiago Arrais. "The Ontological Impasse in the Bookends of Numbers." Kerygma, Vol. 7, No. 1, Fall 2011.
  • Christie Goulart (with Roy Gane). "Three Epigraphic Finds from Tall Jalul, Jordan." Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 365: 27-32. 2011. 
  • Kelvin Onongha. Pentecostalism in Nigeria: Phenomenon, Prospects and Problems to Mainline Churches. Babcock Consulting, Hishan-Remo, Ogun State, Nigeria, 2011.


  • Jeffrey Hudon. “The LMLK Storage Jars and the Reign of Uzziah:  Towards a mid-eighth century B.C. terminus a quo for the Royal Jars of the Kingdom of Judah.”  Near East Archaeological Society Bulletin Vol. 55: 27-44. 2010.


  • Kelvin Onongha. "Acts 1:8—A Paradigm for Mission in West-Central Africa." Journal of Adventist Mission Studies, Vol. 5, No. 2, Fall 2009.
  • Tiago Arrais. "A Study on the Thematic Parallels." Kerygma, Vol. 5, No. 2, Spring 2009.