
2014 Graduate Presentations

College of Arts and Sciences

Behavioral Sciences

  • Erenly Agosto, Mireille Rabenoro, and Joel Raveloharimisy. “Accidental Path Dependency in the Evolution of Gender Equality in Madagascar.” Midwest Political Science Association Annual (MPSA) Conference. Chicago, IL. April 3-6, 2014. 

  • H. Burnett, K. Witzel, K. Allers, and D. McBride. “Understanding the relationship of trauma, substance use, and resilience among university students.” Michigan Academy of Science, Arts & Letters Annual Conference. Oakland University, Rochester Hills, MI. February 28, 2014.

  • Laurie Pierre (with Joel Raveloharimisy). “Evaluating NGO’s Strengths and Weaknesses through the Lens of SPHERE’s Core Standards.” Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters. Oakland University, Rochester, MI. February 28, 2014.


  • B. Navia, A. Groeneweg, G. Atkins, J. Stout. “Neuromodulation: The effects of juvenile hormone iii and chelerythrine chloride in the selectivity of phonotaxis and its neuronal correlates in female cricket Acheta domesticus.” International Congress of Neuroethology. Seppora Convention Center, Japan. July 28-August 1, 2014.  
  • J. L. Hayward, S. M. Henson, and L. C. Megna. “Hot and bothered: Climate change, ovulation synchrony, and cannibalism in gulls.” 2014 Joint Meeting of the American Ornithologists’ Union, Cooper Ornithological Society, and Society of Canadian Ornithologists. Estes Park, Colorado. September 25, 2014.
  • A. Sandler, L. C. Megna, S. Henson, and J. L. Hayward. “Every-other-day ovulation synchrony, high nesting density, and egg loss in a colony of Ring-billed Gulls (Larus delawarensis).” 2014 Joint Meeting of the American Ornithologists’ Union, Cooper Ornithological Society, and Society of Canadian Ornithologists. Estes Park, Colorado. September 25, 2014.
  • M.J Schott and P.J. Lyons. “Expression and characterization of Ecm14, a putative metallocarboxypeptidase from Saccharomyces cerevisiae.” Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters Annual Conference. Oakland University, Rochester, MI.  February 28, 2014.

School of Education

Graduate Psychology & Counseling

  • Tevni Grajales and Brittany Sommers. “Religious Identity Statuses and Religiosity: Does Commitment Matter?” 86th Annual Meeting Midwestern Psychological Association. Chicago, IL. May 1-3, 2014. View Abstract

Teaching, Learning & Curriculum

  • L. D. Burton, J.E. Katenga and C. Moniyung. “Following faith commitments: Successful transition from public high schools to Adventist higher education.” Biennial Conference of the International Christian Community for Teacher Education. Redeemer University College, Ancaster, Ontario, Canada. May 30, 2014.
  • L. D. Burton, J.E. Katenga and C. Moniyung. “Following faith commitments: Successful transition from public high schools to Adventist higher education.” Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters (MASAL). Oakland University, Rochester, MI. February 28, 2014.

School of Health Professions

Physical Therapy 

  • K. Coleman-Ferreira, G. Daaku, K. Miller, J.  Zollinger. "Factors Influencing the  Enrollment of Clinical Instructors in the APTA Credentialed Clinical  Instructor Program: Perspectives ofthe APTA Credentialed  Trainers." MPTA Fall Conference. Kalamazoo, MI. October, 2014.  Platform Presentation
  • K. Coleman-Ferreira, G. Daaku, K. Miller, J.  Zollinger. "Factors Influencing the Enrollment ofClinical Instructors in the APTA Credentialed Clinical  Instructor Program: Perspectives ofthe APTA Credentialed  Trainers."  Abstract Submitted for poster presentation at  EducationLeadership Conference. Kansas City, MO. October, 2014. Platform Presentation
  • J. Stotz, A. Davis, R. Maltez, E. Moll, L. Walton, and D. Village. “Validation of an educational kinesiology tutorial for entry-level OPT students.” Michigan Physical Therapy Association Fall Conference 2014. Kalamazoo, MI. October 24, 2014.
  • E. Oakley, N. Weir  & T. Jardine. (2014).  "The Effect of Hippotherapy on Reducing Hypertonia:  A Systematic Review." Accepted for platform presentation at the Combined Sections Annual Meeting (CSM), American Physical Therapy Association, Indianapolis, Indiana.  Platform Presentation
  • L. Walton, C. Abreu, E. Jeffus, A. Trautwein, & S. Xavier. (2014).  "Pelvic Pain, Pelvic Organ Prolapse, Urinary and Colorectal Distress & Relationship to Health Related Quality of Life by Birth Mode:  A Correlation Study of Postpartum Women."  Accepted for Platform Presentation at Combined Sections Meeting (CSM), American Physical Therapy Association, Indianapolis, Indiana.  Also accepted and presented at the 3rd Annual Symposium of Pelvic Pain at Rush University in Chicago.  Platform Presentation
  • L. M.  Walton, C. Abreu, E. Jeffus, A. Trautweign & S. Xavier. “Incidence and Impact of Pelvic Pain, Pelvic Organ Prolapse, Urinary and Colorectal Distress and Quality of Life by Birth Mode for Women Living in the Postpartum Period.” Michigan Physical Therapy Association. Kalamazoo, MI. October 24-25, 2014. 
  • L. Walton, M. Hernandez, G. Krivak, C. Buddy  & R. Vargas. (2014).  "Effect of 8-week nutrition and physical therapy program on pelvic and colorectal pain, prolapse, incontinence and nutritional intake on health related quality of life for prenatal and postpartum women."  Accepted for platform presentation at Combined Sections Meeting (CSM), American Physical Therapy Association, Indianapolis, Indiana.  Platform Presentation
  • L. Walton, S. Milliner & F. Muvuti. “Validity and Reliability of a New Intimate Partner Violence Screening Tool for Physical Therapists.” Michigan Physical Therapy. Kalamazoo, MI. October 24-25, 2014. 


  • Kevin Burton. "Jotham M. Aldrich: An Example of 'One Man' Leadership." Paper presented at "The Nature of the Authority of the Church" Fall Symposium of the Adventist Theological Society, San Diego, CA, November 22, 2014.
  • Rodrigo Galiza. "The Enemy in the Sanctuary: Jewish Eschatology and Adventist Belief."Paper presented at "The Nature of the Authority of the Church" Fall Symposium of the Adventist Theological Society, San Diego, CA, November 22, 2014.
  • Abner Hernandez. "Paul and Irenaeus on the Images of the Christian Church: An Introductory Study." Paper presented at "The Nature of the Authority of the Church" Fall Symposium of the Adventist Theological Society, San Diego, CA, November 22, 2014.
  • Jonathan Leonardo. "How Does God 'Head' Christ: Paul's Use of Kephale within the Body Metaphor." Paper presented at "The Nature of the Authority of the Church" Fall Symposium of the Adventist Theological Society, San Diego, CA, November 22, 2014.
  • Leonardo Nunes. "Sanctuary Typology and Ecclesiology in the Fourth Gospel and Acts." Paper presented at "The Nature of the Authority of the Church" Fall Symposium of the Adventist Theological Society, San Diego, CA, November 22, 2014.
  • Samuel Pagán. "Apostolic Succession and Teaching Authority in the Struggle Against Gnosticism." Paper presented at "The Nature of the Authority of the Church" Fall Symposium of the Adventist Theological Society, San Diego, CA, November 22, 2014.
  • Adriani Milli Rodriguez. "Priesthood in Christology and Ecclesiology: A Brief Analysis of the Relationship Between the Priesthood of Christ and the Priesthood of All Believers." Paper presented at "The Nature of the Authority of the Church" Fall Symposium of the Adventist Theological Society, San Diego, CA, November 22, 2014.
  • Abelardo Rivas. “Egyptian Cultic Influence in Transjordan During the Iron Age as seen in the Use of Egyptian Elements in the Local Religion.” Paper presented at the American Schools of Oriental Research Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, November 21, 2014.
  • Michael Younker. "The Concept of Truth and Ecclesiological Authority: Have Scientists Replaced Priests?" Paper presented at "The Nature of the Authority of the Church" Fall Symposium of the Adventist Theological Society, San Diego, CA, November 20, 2014.
  • Denis Kaiser. “M. L. Andreasens letzte Generation: Was würde Ellen White dazu sagen? [M. L. Andreasen’s Last Generation: What would Ellen White say about it?].” Paper presented at the “Vollkommen, sündlos, perfekt: Herausforderung und Wirklichkeit [Perfected, Sinless, Perfect: Challenge and Reality]” Symposium of the Adventist Theological Society and Seminar Schloss Bogenhofen at St. Peter am Hart, Austria, July 4-6, 2014.
  • Denis Kaiser. “Wachsen in der Liebe: Ellen Whites Verständnis von Heiligung und Vollkommenheit [Growing in Love: Ellen White’s View of Sanctification and Perfection].” Paper presented at the “Vollkommen, sündlos, perfekt: Herausforderung und Wirklichkeit [Perfected, Sinless, Perfect: Challenge and Reality]” Symposium of the Adventist Theological Society and Seminar Schloss Bogenhofen at St. Peter am Hart, Austria, July 4-6, 2014.
  • Denis Kaiser. “Traveler Between the Worlds: The American Period of Michael Belina Czechowski (1851-1864).” Paper presented at the Symposium on the “150th Anniversary of Michał Belina Czechowski Return to Europe” at Wyższa Szkoła Teologiczno-Humanistyczna, Podkowa Lesna, Poland, May 18-20, 2014.
  • Denis Kaiser. “Conditions Alter Circumstances: European Adventists and Military Service during World War I.” Paper presented at “The Impact of World War I on Seventh-day Adventism” Symposium of the Institute of Adventist Studies at Friedensau Adventist University, Friedensau, Germany, May 12-14, 2014.
  • Stephane Beaulieu. "Isaiah's Messiah: Adventist Identity for the Last Days."  Paper presented at the "Adventism at the Crossroads: Adventists Identity & Eschatology" Spring Symposium of the Adventist Theological Society, Southern Adventist University, TN, April 17-19, 2014.
  • Erick Mendieta. "Typology and Adventism Eschatological Identity: Friend or Foe."  Paper presented at the "Adventism at the Crossroads: Adventists Identity & Eschatology" Spring Symposium of the Adventist Theological Society, Southern Adventist University, TN, April 17-19, 2014.
  • Jerome Skinner. "Judgment for the Saints: The Justice of God in Psalms 3–14." Paper presented at the "Adventism at the Crossroads: Adventists Identity & Eschatology" Spring Symposium of the Adventist Theological Society, Southern Adventist University, TN, April 17-19, 2014.
  • Michael Younker. "Corporate Identity: A view from Inside and Outside." Paper presented at the "Adventism at the Crossroads: Adventists Identity & Eschatology" Spring Symposium of the Adventist Theological Society, Southern Adventist University, TN, April 17-19, 2014.