
2024 General Publications

Undergraduate students are italicized, graduate students are bold/ italicized, and faculty are bolded within their department. Entries are duplicated in each faculty co-author’s department. The following reflects a partial listing. The complete list will be published at the at the end of the academic calendar.



College of Arts & Sciences
    James White Library  
    Religion & Biblical Languages
    School of Social & Behavioral Sciences
    School of Social Work

College of Education & International Services
    Graduate Psychology & Counseling
    Teaching, Learning & Curriculum

College of Health & Human Services
    School of Nursing

College of Professions
    Accounting, Economics, & Finance
    Management & Marketing

Seventh-Day Adventist Theological Seminary
    Church History
    Discipleship & Lifespan Education
    New Testament
    Old Testament
    Theology & Christian Philosophy
    World Mission


College of Arts & Sciences



James L. Hayward and Shandelle M. Henson. Collaborative Publications. 日韩AV Focus, Winter 2024, 12.

James L. Hayward. Did God Create Viruses? Spectrum 52(1), 13-21, 2024.



Vanessa I. Corredera and L. Monique Pittman. Collaborative Publications. 日韩AV Focus, Winter 2024, 13.


James White Library

Margaret Adeogun. Open Educational Resources: Initiatives at the James White Library. ASDAL Action 43(2), Spring 2024, 6-8.

Marianne Kordas. Program Notes. An Evening with Bach, Telemann, & Vivaldi. Camerata Milwaukee, Shorewood, WI. March 2, 2024.

Katharine Van Arsdale. Films digitized to celebrate 日韩AV Sesquicentennial. Michigan Archival Association Open Entry 52(1), Spring 2024, 10-11.

Katharine Van Arsdale. Film digitized to Celebrate 日韩AV Sesquicentennial. ASDAL Action 43(2), Spring 2024, 11-12.

Katharine Van Arsdale. Report from the Adventist Digital Library and Seventh-day Adventist Periodical & Obituary Index. Association of Seventh-day Adventist Historians (ASDAH) Newsletter, 2024, 4.

Katharine Van Arsdale. Report from the Adventist Digital Library and Seventh-day Adventist Periodical & Obituary Index. ASDAL Action 43(2), Spring 2024, 17.

Katharine Van Arsdale. Review of "British Online Archives." College & Research Libraries News 85(4), April 2024, 170.



James L. Hayward and Shandelle M. Henson. Collaborative Publications. 日韩AV Focus, Winter 2024, 12.


Religion & Biblical Languages

A. Rahel Wells. Christ in the Covenant Curses? Perspective Digest 29(2), 2024.

A. Rahel Wells. The President's Desk: Pride or Promotion? Hiding or Humility? Perspective Digest 29(1), 2024.


School of Social & Behavioral Sciences

Karl G. D. Bailey, Shannon M. Trecartin, Duane C. McBride, Alina M. Baltazar, Petr Cincala, and Rene D. Drumm2022-2023 Global Church Member Survey Concerning the General  Conference of Seventh-day Adventists Reach the World 2020-2025 Strategic Focus: Meta-Analysis Final Report. General Conference Office of Archives, Statistics and Research. February 15, 2024.

Gary Hopkins, Duane C. McBride, and Myrnaliza Tan. The Cultural Myths about Alcohol Use. Pp. 49-56 in Peter N. Landless and Duane C. McBride, eds., Alcohol, All Risk, No Benefits. Pacific Press Publishing Association: Nampa, ID, 2024.

Gary Hopkins, Alina M. Baltazar, and Duane C. McBride. Prevention of alcohol use and abuse. Pp. 73-82 in Peter N. Landless and Duane C. McBride, eds., Alcohol, All Risk, No Benefits. Pacific Press Publishing Association: Nampa, ID, 2024.

Peter Landless, Duane C. McBride, and Myrnaliza Tan. Introduction. Pp. 7-15 In Peter N. Landless and Duane C. McBride, eds., Alcohol, All Risk, No Benefits. Pacific Press Publishing Association: Nampa, ID, 2024.

Duane C. McBride. Changing the University, the Church and the World through Risk Prevention and Health Promotion. 日韩AV Focus, Winter 2024, 14.

Melissa Ponce-Rodas. Filling the missing part of a child's village. Lake Union Herald, April 2024, 6.

David Williams, Katia Reinert, and Duane C. McBride. Alcohol and Society. Pp. 59-70 in Peter N. Landless and Duane C. McBride, eds., Alcohol, All Risk, No Benefits. Pacific Press Publishing Association: Nampa, ID, 2024.


School of Social Work

Karl G. D. Bailey, Shannon M. Trecartin, Duane C. McBride, Alina M. Baltazar, Petr Cincala, and Rene D. Drumm. 2022-2023 Global Church Member Survey Concerning the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists Reach the World 2020-2025 Strategic Focus: Meta-Analysis Final Report. General Conference Office of Archives, Statistics and Research. February 15, 2024.

Alina Baltazar. Why would anybody self-harm? Lake Union Herald, January/February 2024, 6.

Alina M. Baltazar and Curtis J. VanderWaal. Alcohol and college students. Pp. 85-96 in Peter N. Landless and Duane C. McBride, eds., Alcohol, All Risk, No Benefits. Pacific Press Publishing Association: Nampa, ID, 2024.

Gary Hopkins, Alina M. Baltazar, and Duane C. McBride. Prevention of alcohol use and abuse. Pp. 73-82 in Peter N. Landless and Duane C. McBride, eds., Alcohol, All Risk, No Benefits. Pacific Press Publishing Association: Nampa, ID, 2024.

Ingrid Weiss Slikkers. Eliminating hurry. Lake Union Herald, March 2024, 8.

Curtis J. VanderWaal, David Sedlacek, and Maci Chen. Importance of Treatment and Recovery. Pp. 97-107 in Peter N. Landless and Duane C. McBride, eds., Alcohol, All Risk, No Benefits. Pacific Press Publishing Association: Nampa, ID, 2024.

Curtis J. VanderWaal, David Sedlacek, and Maci Chen. The Role of Faith in Recovery. Pp. 109-116 in Peter N. Landless and Duane C. McBride, eds., Alcohol, All Risk, No Benefits. Pacific Press Publishing Association: Nampa, ID, 2024.

Curtis J. VanderWaal, Shannon M. Trecartin, and Morgan Williams. 2023 Southwest Michigan Care Continuum Transformation: Final Evaluation  Report. Region IV: Area Agency on Aging, 2024.


College of Education & International Services


Graduate Psychology & Counseling

Ronald Coffen. Electronic Record for the ACCC (ERA). Andrews Community Counseling Center: Berrien Springs, MI, 2024.

Carole Woolford-Hunt. Celebrating 10 years of APA Accreditation. 日韩AV Focus, Winter 2024, 17.


Teaching, Learning & Curriculum

Anneris Coria-Navia. The Center for Teaching and Learning. 日韩AV Focus, Winter 2024, 8.


College of Health & Human Services

School of Nursing

Jerry Chi and Grace Chi. Lessons to build your own business: The unique visions and passions of an entrepreneur. Signs of Times (Chinese), March 2024, 6-11.

Jerry Chi and Grace Chi. Sixteen leadership models to make a team (part 1). Signs of Times (Chinese), April 2024, 6-11.


College of Professions

Accounting, Economics & Finance

Sampson M. Nwaomah, Williams Kwasi Peprah, Rei Kesis, Warrren S. Simatele, Angela Nwaomah, Daniel Dei, and Davidson Razafiarivony. Evangelism strategies, conversion patterns, and membership retention in the Seventh-Day Adventist church in Sub-Saharan Africa: Report of Findings for West-Central Africa Division of Seventh-day Adventist Church. Africa Seventh-day Adventist Study Group, 2024.

Sampson M. Nwaomah, Williams Kwasi Peprah, Rei Kesis, Warrren S. Simatele, Angela Nwaomah, Daniel Dei, and Davidson Razafiarivony. Evangelism strategies, conversion patterns, and membership retention in the Seventh-Day Adventist church in Sub-Saharan Africa: Report of Findings for the East-Central Africa Division. Africa Seventh-day Adventist Study Group, 2024.

Williams Kwasi Peprah. Convince official creditors to urgently restructure $5.4bn loans. MyJoyOnline (online). January 8, 2024.

Williams Kwasi Peprah. Division, partial privatization of Ghana's ECG on the GSE for improved performance and financial stability. Citinewsroom (Ghana). January 24, 2024.

Williams Kwasi Peprah. Strategic restructuring for efficiency: Proposing the division and partial privatization of Ghana's ECG on the GSE for improved performance and financial stability. MyJoyOnline (online). January 24, 2024.


Management & Marketing

Jerry Chi and Grace Chi. Lessons to build your own business: The unique visions and passions of an entrepreneur. Signs of Times (Chinese), March 2024, 6-11.

Jerry Chi and Grace Chi. Sixteen leadership models to make a team (part 1). Signs of Times (Chinese), April 2024, 6-11.


Seventh-Day Adventist Theological Seminary

Church History

Denis Kaiser. Imagine the Unimaginable. Lake Union Herald, January/February 2024, 8.

Denis Kaiser. Our Need of Christ. Lake Union Herald, March 2024, 10.

Denis Kaiser. The Way of Life and the Way to Life. Lake Union Herald, April 2024, 8.

David J. B. Trim. A voice to rouse the nations: Ellen White and the growth of Adventist mission work. Pacific Press: Nampa, ID, 2024.


Discipleship & Lifespan Education

Katia Reinert and David Sedlacek. Faith-Based Programs for Prevention and Recovery. Pp. 117-127 in Peter N. Landless and Duane C. McBride, eds., Alcohol, All Risk, No Benefits. Pacific Press Publishing Association: Nampa, ID, 2024.

Curtis VanderWaal, David Sedlacek, and Maci Chen. Importance of Treatment and Recovery. Pp. 97-107 in Peter N. Landless and Duane C. McBride, eds., Alcohol, All Risk, No Benefits. Pacific Press Publishing Association: Nampa, ID, 2024.

Curtis VanderWaal, David Sedlacek, and Maci Chen. The Role of Faith in Recovery. Pp. 109-116 in Peter N. Landless and Duane C. McBride, eds., Alcohol, All Risk, No Benefits. Pacific Press Publishing Association: Nampa, ID, 2024.


New Testament

Thomas R. Shepherd. The Book of Mark. Pacific Press: Nampa, ID, 2024.

Félix H. Cortez. “Ears to hear: How to study the Bible and let Scripture speak for itself. Adventist World, February 2024, 10–13.


Old Testament

Richard M. Davidson. Exegesis for everyone: Exemplified in Psalm 23. Adventist Review, February 2024, 18-21.

Constance Clark Gane. Digging into the Past: How Archaeology Brings the Bible to Life. Adventist Review, February 2024, 22-25.

Oliver Glanz. Dead Sea Scrolls and Linguistic Research. 日韩AV Focus, Winter 2024, 10-11.

Oliver Glanz. The Hebrew TOHFL Course, BibleOL, United Bible Society, April 2024.

Paul Gregor, Paul J. Ray, Jr., Robert Bates, Constance Gane, Trisha Broy, and Talmadge Gerald. Khirbat Safra 2023. Institute of Archaeology/Horn Archaeological Museum Newsletter 44(3), 1-3, 2024.

Randall W. Younker. The Case for Ağri Daği/Masis as the Biblical Mt. Ararat. Perspective Digest 29(1), 2024.


Theology & Christian Philosophy

Jo Ann Davidson. Christians and Creation Care. Perspective Digest 29(2), 2024.

Jo Ann Davidson. Far more than children’s stories: Cherishing the inspired narratives of Scripture. Adventist Review, February 2024, 28-31.

Denis Fortin. Augustin and Daniel Bourdeau: Lifelong Evangelists and Missionaries. Adventist Review, March 2024, 71-72.

John C. Peckham. God with Us and Discipleship of the Mind. Southwestern Union Record, January/February 2024, 10.

John C. Peckham. Is the Trinity Biblical? The Trinity Doctrine in Three Points. Adventist Review, February 2024, 50-53.

John C. Peckham. Liar, Liar: The Devil’s Strategy of Deception and Slander. Adventist Review, April 2024, 32-35.

John C. Peckham. Prayer in the Shadow of Gethsemane. Christianity Today, March 26, 2024.

John C. Peckham. Understanding the Trinity: The Crucial Importance of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Adventist Review, March 2024, 32-35.

John C. Peckham. War in Heaven: Introducing the Biblical Cosmic Conflict Framework. Adventist Review (online), April 4, 2024.


World Mission

Karl G. D. Bailey, Shannon M. Trecartin, Duane C. McBride, Alina M. Baltazar, Petr Činčala. and Rene D. Drumm. 2022-2023 Global Church Member Survey Concerning the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists Reach the World 2020-2025 Strategic Focus: Meta-Analysis Final Report. General Conference Office of Archives, Statistics and Research. February 15, 2024.

Petr Činčala. Bored or energized? How age difference colors the worship experience. Institute of Church Ministry/Office of Archives, Statistics, and Research Blog. March 13, 2024.

Petr Činčala. Understanding and navigating the realities of social media. Institute of Church Ministry/Office of Archives, Statistics, and Research Blog. March 27, 2024.

Petr Činčala. Church accession statistics. Institute of Church Ministry/Office of Archives, Statistics, and Research Blog. April 10, 2024.

Petr Činčala. What Adventists around the world believe about creation.  Institute of Church Ministry/Office of Archives, Statistics, and Research Blog. April 24, 2024.

Yuri Drumi. Твердь духа: Молитва и мысли молящегося (Firmament of the spirit: Prayer and thoughts of the person praying). LithoTech Graphic Services: Berrien Springs, MI, 2024.

Boubakar Sanou. On the Path to Fruitful Interfaith Interactions. Adventist Review, January 2024, 18-21.