
Weed Deleterious Rhizobacteria

Robert Zdor (Biology)

Testing Survival of Weed Deleterious Rhizobacteria in Granular Formulations

Diversifying weed control strategies is an important tool in developing sustainable weed control. This project addresses the need to develop biological agents as components in weed control. Specifically this proposal seeks to examine the survival of the weed deleterious rhizobacterium Rhizobium rubi AT3-4RS/6 in various granular formulations. This organism reduces growth of the weed velvetleaf when applied in liquid suspension. The possible role of plant hormone production (auxin) in weed suppression is currently under investigation for this organism and the use of tryptophan (a precursor to auxin biosynthesis) will be included in the formlations. Funds committed to this project will cover student labor expenses and purchase materials needed to complete the project.