
Exploring Organ Repertoire

Kenneth Logan (Music)

Creation of Musical Anthology with Working Title Exploring Organ Repertoire; Documentation of William Huber, Jr. Collection and History

This proposal requests funding for continuing research for the creation of, progress on the production of, and market exploration for an anthology of organ music for use in the organ teaching studio, church, and concet1 hall. The anthology's working title is Exploring Organ Repertoire.

The projected format is a series of four volumes, with a projected total scope of approximately 700 music pages and an appended volume of critical commentmy and aides (with possible online alternative publication). Its compass seeks to embrace primarily works of stellar excellence and practical utility by obscure composers representing many countries, time periods, and styles. Its scope reaches secondarily to encompass fresh editions of standard organ repet1oire by widely-known composers. Throughout, it is to exemplifY a high level of editorial integrity, scholarly accountability, distinctive visual appeal, and graphic excellence.

In addition, this proposal seeks funding for by-product research generated fi·om anthology work. The applicant's contact with the Library of Congress' William Huber, Jr. Collection, unknown to him before 2007, and with the annex identified as such by the Library of Congress on approx. June 1, 2007, leads applicant to propose funding to fmther document and disseminate scholarly information regarding the provenance, scope, and content of this collection, working toward a substantial article to be
web-published by the Library of Congress.

The project forms its rationale around the stated university priority in awarding grants for research "directly related to developing unique classroom materials which may be shared, published or otherwise disseminated to a wider professional audience."