
Closed Study Carrel Application Form



  1. The carrel should be kept clean and tidy at all times. Custodial does not service the carrels. It’s your responsibility to keep your carrel clean
  2. Food and beverages should not be left in the carrels
  3. Reference materials must not be kept in the carrels.
  4. Library materials kept in the carrels must be checked out to the carrel assignee.
  5. Carrels will be inspected regularly by library staff to ensure adherence to the regulations.
  6. The door viewer is for your security. Please do not cover it. Staff will peep through from time-to-time to be sure that all is well.
  7. The library is not responsible for personal items left unattended in the carrel.
  8. When the carrel is vacated, the Seminary Librarian is to be notified in writing (email) and the key returned as instructed by the staff in charge of carrels.