
Volume 7 No 2 (Fall 2013)

Articles are available on this website online if you see a weblink. The remaining articles of this issue are available in print to current subscribers. To get each issue mailed to you please subscribe to JACL.

  • Valuing what is of worth. JACL 7(2), 4-6. Read article.
Biblical Reflection
  • Tyler, K. (2013). Principles of jesus' healing ministry. JACL 7(2), 8-20. Read article.
Feature Articles
  • Haffner, R. (2013). Holding on to what is sacred: How to protect organizational values and enhance mission vitality. JACL 7(2), 22-36. Read article.
  • Stiffney, R. (2013). Leadership in tough times: How executives sustain organizational faithfulness. JACL 7(2), 37-48. Read article.
  • Weimer-Elder, B. (2013). Actions, practices, and workplace circumstances that characterize high-engagement workgroups in a hospital environment. JACL 7(2), 49-63. Read article.
Leadership Lived
  • Dalski, C. (2013). Saving lives through education. JACL 7(2), 66-71. Read article.
  • Boyd, B. (2013). Operation service: Rejuvenating and life changing. JACL 7(2), 72-79. Read article.
  • Woolford, P. (2013). Childhood obesity: An overview of the global epidemic. JACL 7(2), 82-101. Read article.
Book Reviews

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Leadership Resources

Read Dissertation Notices