
Volume 2 No 2 (Summer 2008)

  • Hoehl, Stacy. (2008). Empowered by Jesus: A research proposal for an exploration of Jesus' empowerment approach in John 21:1-25. JACL, 2(2), 5-17.  Read article.

  • Tilstra, Douglas A. (2008). Leadership development in higher education: What the research shows is working and why. JACL, 2(2), 18-25.  Read article.

  • Trebesch, Shelley G. (2008). Developing persons in Christian organizations: A case study of OMF International. JACL, 2(2), 26-67.  Read article.

  • De Oliveira, Japhet. (2008). A light touch: Motivating and leading volunteers. JACL, 2(2), 68-73.  Read article.

Book Reviews
  • Cormode, S. (2004). Making spiritual sense: Christian leaders as spiritual interpreters. Reviewed by Skip Bell. JACL, 2(2), 74-75.  Read article.

  • Goleman, D., Boyatzis, R., & McKee, A. (2004). Primal leadership: Realizing the power of emotional intelligence. Reviewed by Stanley E. Patterson. JACL, 2(2), 76-80.  Read article.